What should the kids get me for Christmas?


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28 Aug 2016
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My two boys (now 11 & 14) always buy me a new tool at Christmas..........actually they don't really, I buy it for myself and say it's from them, it's just an excuse to buy something nice that I can't really justify but is nice to have and puts a smile on my face every time I use it.

It's got to be something I will use daily at work, about £100 and (some may find this strange) but I don't do shiny brass hand tool Lie-Nielsen type things.

I've narrowed it down to 3 things but never actually got my hands on any of them so would appreciate any feedback from people who might have.

Hultafors chisels, need some decent chisels for working on site (to replace some carp Marples ones I bought), these look perfect but never hear them talked about?


TrigJig square, I know expensive for what it is but looks lovely and think it would brighten my day every time I used it.

ISOtunes Free earbuds, I'm guilty of not wearing hearing protection enough, think if I had some of these I might actually wear them.


Any thoughts?
Of the 3, I'd pick the chisels. I have a hultafors saw and like it so I think the brand is OK.

I have isotunes ear buds and never get a truly comforable fit. It is a purchase that i'm always disappointed by.

The square looks everything I don't like. An empire true blue rafter square would do the same job for £20 with a fixed fence, not relying on bolts for accuracy. It has a machined edge not just stamped and is accurate.

I suggest two alternatives for your list - tools that make me smile - an alba kuli or murxi pry bar serious quality and worth the 100-£150, or a knipex pliers wrench. 250mm if you do your own plumbing, one size down if you mostly work with m6 through m16 ish nuts and bolts.
Both of these are lifetime tools.
My two boys (now 11 & 14) always buy me a new tool at Christmas..........actually they don't really, I buy it for myself and say it's from them, it's just an excuse to buy something nice that I can't really justify but is nice to have and puts a smile on my face every time I use it.

It's got to be something I will use daily at work, about £100 and (some may find this strange) but I don't do shiny brass hand tool Lie-Nielsen type things.

I've narrowed it down to 3 things but never actually got my hands on any of them so would appreciate any feedback from people who might have.

Hultafors chisels, need some decent chisels for working on site (to replace some carp Marples ones I bought), these look perfect but never hear them talked about?

Hultafors HUL390671 HDCS4 Heavy-Duty Chisel Set, 4 Piece (6-25mm)

TrigJig square, I know expensive for what it is but looks lovely and think it would brighten my day every time I used it.

ISOtunes Free earbuds, I'm guilty of not wearing hearing protection enough, think if I had some of these I might actually wear them.


Any thoughts?
I can see chisels going missing?
I'd be taking Stanley's or bahco etc!
I am not a fan of in-ear buds. Seen my kids replace too many because one fell out or got lost. I personally always use 'Skull Candy Ink'd' ones. They are a nice fit to my ears, and they hang around my neck when not in use, so they never get lost. Any of that type of design would be my choice. But, to your original question, I would get chisels. Maybe not those particular ones, but that little square looks a but too fiddly for what I would use it for.
(I bought one of those wolfcraft plastic saddle square thing, just to see if something like that would get much use in the work that I do, and I think I have used it twice. Not because it was particularly bad, just because I can do pretty much everything with a small combination square.)
I am not a fan of in-ear buds. Seen my kids replace too many because one fell out or got lost. I personally always use 'Skull Candy Ink'd' ones. They are a nice fit to my ears, and they hang around my neck when not in use, so they never get lost. Any of that type of design would be my choice. But, to your original question, I would get chisels. Maybe not those particular ones, but that little square looks a but too fiddly for what I would use it for.
(I bought one of those wolfcraft plastic saddle square thing, just to see if something like that would get much use in the work that I do, and I think I have used it twice. Not because it was particularly bad, just because I can do pretty much everything with a small combination square.)
Agreed I lost several, I should have clarified I have the Isotunes lite that have a wire as above so you don’t lose them 👍
The Narex Richter Chisels are nice as are Ashhley Iles.
And i was quite tempted by the new Benchdogs adjustable square.

Of those three I'd probably go for the trig jig square.
wow....a spare £100 squids.....that'll be the day for me....

what we spend on prezzies for us actually is gifted to our fav dog rescue charity here.....
dont need socks as It's to hot to wear em....
Electric professional pencil sharpener.

X-ACTO School Pro Electric costs about £50. Or the Bostitch QuietSharp6 which I think costs about the same.
Thank you for all the replies.

Currently thinking I should be sensible and go for the hearing protection and I am liking the look of the ISO tunes lite that have been mentioned 👍
I don't really like wearing the headphone style hearing protection and haven't spent much time with the in ear type either so will be interesting to see which I get on with best.

I am still tempted by the little square though, it's only about 4" so will fit in my back pocket nicely (especially with it's rounded corners) which is handy as I rarely wear a tool belt.