what is a hand ripsaw


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20 Feb 2009
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i come from China. i want to buy a hand ripsaw.
i scan a number of webs for the hand ripsaw .but it's confused
that i couldn't find the information i needed.
now i need you help.
i want to see some pictures.
my english is poor.

Hand ripsaws are large (24 to 28 inches long) and have quite big teeth (often only about 4 to the inch). They are used for making cuts along the grain. Most cutting like this is now done by machinery or portable power saws. Most carpenters only need to cut across the grain.

So there are very few new hand rip saws on sale. You could look at an expensive one, for those who want the best, such as these from Classic Hand Tools:

http://www.classichandtools.com/acatalo ... -Saws.html (scroll down to the end of the page).

Or at the opposite end of the scale, Wickes do offer this:

http://www.wickes.co.uk/Hand-saws-and-b ... nvt/186768

Old rip saws are quite common at car boot sales or on ebay, with many sellers not understanding what they are.

I'd be careful about the Wickes offering it looks more like a green timber saw to me with long teeth.

Welcome to the forum fawworker,

Can you give your location (city or county) in your profile, we are assuming you are in the UK. It may help pointing you to a local stockist.
I'm in the situation whereby anything over 50mm thick (if it's a big board) I can't touch as my portable c/s will only cut to about 50mm, so long cuts down the grain have to be done with a big rip...fortunately a certain Woodkateer has sorted me out with a nice one (many thanks Martin :wink: ) Having burnt out the motor :oops: on my old deWalt c/s trying this trick I'm very reluctant to do it again with my new one - Rob