What are home alarms for, other than driving your neighbours up the wall?


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Fairly basic dog training to get your dog to only take food on command, and from people it knows. My Dobermans would sit in front of their bowls drooling, with a pained " come on dad what's the hold up here? " expression on their faces, but wouldn't touch it until they were told.
I do the same (can't have 50kg of excited dog leaping around the house at feeding time - things get broken). However, anyone who says that they can train a dog not to take food from a stranger has never owned a lurcher.

There is a marked difference between the mentality of german breeds and other dogs - that standing-to-attention, whatever the boss says, slave plantation approach. I am used to dogs with a more individual way of thinking. We always had lurchers and longdogs growing up, and they are really dim - greyhounds can run fast in in a circle, but brains are heavy, so no need to carry dead weight. Currently I have the local equivalent of an anatolian sheepdog, and they don't work for the owner - they work with you. Having said that, he is one of the very few dogs I have owned with an ability to recall - handy because he really does like to play with traffic - his favourite thing in all the world is to bounce motorbikes, because it is such fun.
We all have favourites. If I had land I'd have a Dobermann, an English mastiff and a Jack Russell - if two didn't get you the other one would. I have the staffie now, but my all time favourite has to be a boxer - they're madder than a box of frogs. About the only dog I just do not like is a German shepherd.
Totaly agree an alarm says you have something worth pinching , Many years ago i was fitting a loft ladder at a very rich friend of my wifes house she came home one day with a massive plasma tv when i arrived next day at the side of the house was a large cardboard box with large print saying "plasma tv " and a couple of boxes saying "surround sound system and dvd player/recorder" I sugested she take boxes to tip so as not to advertise what sh had inside " Its ok we have state of the art alarm fitted and cctv cameras " she got robbed a month later they took the lot including much more

I would suggest this was Darwinism, except for the fact that she had all that money in the first place!
I suspect the issue is more on how you interact with and your relationship with your neighbour than the alarm itself.
I suspect it's not, as he's a really nice guy who I get along with and we help each other out all the time. But his wife is an aristocratic bitch and a brick wall to all reasonable requests. But thanks, anyway (y)
My neighbour had his van done and went to the plod with the clip of the the miscreant (who was known to them) grinning and sticking his middle finger up to the camera. They gave him a crime number as the picture "wasn't clear enough".
Given what I've heard some plods say about the CPS, perhaps they knew that the case would never be taken to court. Gone are the days when the senior Inspector was responsible for deciding which cases to put forward. Apparently the CPS (who are comprised of individuals who are overworked and under-appreciated, it must be said) are getting more and more reluctant to prosecute. It may, of course, have something to do with the fact their backlog of cases looks like a queue at a petrol station during a fuel crisis.