Established Member
So I think my Cedar cladding is water stained. See pictures below:
overall view of staining / blotchiness
mid way through the oiling process, some oiled, some not oiled
My remedy options:
Here are some additional pictures:
zoomed in pic of some staining:
zoomed in pic of some boards closer to top that do not appear to be stained, but this could be that their natural lighter colour means they don't show it, who knows:
overall view of staining / blotchiness

mid way through the oiling process, some oiled, some not oiled

- do you agree this is water stating?
- what is my best plan to remedy?
- The cladding was fitted to my garden room and then left a few weeks without protective oil on (I wont go into reasons why). It's oiled now, in Osmo 420 clear, but I think the staining happened when it got wet in the unprotected period
- Oil was applied with a microfibre roller
- Oil can was shaken prior to application (it didn't say you needed to stir it on the can, so I just gave it a thorough shake, could this be an issue no stirring it?)
- It could be just the way I applied the oil (as opposed to water staining) - I notice some areas near the edges of the trims where it looks blotchy and inconsistent, its like a stripe where i ran the roller down the edge.
- see the mid progress picture - you can see that the un-oiled section looks pretty smooth and not water stainy - HOWEVER, it did look blotchy BEFORE I sanded it all back, so I figured I had removed the staining. However, the oil seems to have brought it out again (see second picture)
- its 'high grade' cedar, I think they call it 'number 2, clear and better' and it doesn't really have any knots at all so I'm reluctant to blame that
- in the early morning, the staining looks quite bad, I assume because it's absorbed moisture overnight, becuase it all looks darker. After an hour in the sun it lightens up and it looks pretty good, almost perfect actually
My remedy options:
- sand it back, re-stain but try a brush this time
- sand it back, apply vinegar solution (?) to remove water stains, re-oil with a brush
- your ideas???
Here are some additional pictures:
zoomed in pic of some staining:

zoomed in pic of some boards closer to top that do not appear to be stained, but this could be that their natural lighter colour means they don't show it, who knows:
