I make fitted furniture, and whilst being experienced in the joinery side of things, I have just taken up spraying.
I've bought a graco ultra airless spray gun after using my friends HVLP system which seemed to struggle to keep up with amount of paint I needed to spray (think the compressor didn't have enough power)
I have been experiencing orange peel when spraying water based paints, namely Tikkurila Helmi. I have read loads of reviews about how good the paint is, and I didn't experience the problem when using it with the HVLP system. But when I spray it with my graco I'm getting an orange peel effect. It does settle quite a bit after drying but it's still there when viewed in certain lights/angels. I've tried making sure the paint isn't too cold. Standing further away when spraying, putting the gun on a low pressure, putting the gun on a high pressure and have run out of ideas now. Has anyone else experienced this issue? I did read watering it down may help but I spray MDF and worry what it would do in terms of grain raising . I know people spray water based with airless sprayers and get a good result, I just don't know what I'm doing wrong and it's getting quite demoralising now. Here are some pictures of the paint when first applied and after 16 hours dry time.
On a side note, do all airless prayers put out a ridiculous amount of paint? I changed to an fflp 212 tip to reduce over spray but the gun just eats paint.