Established Member
RogerS":23rlgfyu said:Cash is the way to go!
Just wait until more cards come with the new RFID chip in them...like my new Amazon card.
Watch this....http://www.wreg.com/news/wreg-electroni ... full.story
And if that isn't bad enough then there was this paper...
Be afraid. Be very afraid :?
I am Roger, I really am :!: and I can't believe how some people are so 'laid back' about it, sorry to sound all GOM on you (Grumpy Old Man :lol: ) but I will be using my card less and less in future, if there's something I want I'll either wait until I can buy it with cash or send a cheque. Lloyds have been good to me too, they have a policy that when abroad they will only allow one transaction at one outlet per day, of course that could be a massive fraudelent one but the software looking at buying habits could possibly pick that up. I say 'could' because it is no way guaranteed to do so.
What annoys me is that people in the industry now seem to rely on software programs to spot fraud - how can they spot everything :?: answer they can't so the poor old customer pays through increased charges (Not necessarily CC charges but increased insurance premiums or bank charges etc etc)
How do I spot an RFID card :?: what does it stand for :?: why don't you like them :?: