Horses for courses, Tony.
You also have to question whatever vested interests said 'gurus' have. I also read the IT press and see equally biased reporting in favour of the Mac. I should know. I used to be a 'guru' until I decided to join the real world.
When was the last virus written specifically for the Mac? If you do the research I think that you will find it was about 10 (yes, ten) years ago. Yes, of course, there is always a chance of getting a virus. I've not said otherwise. There's always the chance that I will get struck by lightning or that Veritas will win the next election.
Bit of a throwaway line, that...'peripherals wouldn't work'. Again, I question the bias of the magazine...probably a PC magazine, I would think. It smacks to me of desperation that they had to go through loads of mice in order to find something that didn't work.
Did they say how many mice they tried beforehand that worked? Did they question whether or not the USB implementation in the mice actually followed the USB standards?
Or maybe, just maybe when writing the 'reviews', the magazine was looking over its' shoulder and the ranks of PC related advertisers. Just IMHO, of course.
I've just wasted a day trying to get a video capture card to work in an HP Pavilion. Still trying. Then I also discover that the soundchip on the HP is not recognised by XP Pro. And let's not forget the incompatibility between browsers when rendering pages. Standards? Which one would you like?
Dell much quality software is included? Do I get a complete copy of the operating system? Ah, thought of those Dell special 'recovery' disks.
'twice the speed'...running what? games? running the latest PC virus? running 'test' programs that are biased towards the PC?
What about the TCO (total cost of ownership) of running a PC? I'll try and dig it out but an unbiased academic paper concluded that TCO for a PC was at least 10x more than on a Mac.
Ooh...wossat...aaah.. another 10 'critical updates' from Microsoft. Sorry got to go and patch all my PC's