I've got a behemoth of a vice, a Record 53. Wondering what oil or grease to use on the guide rods. What do others favour?
I acquired it a couple of years ago, stripped it down, cleaned it up and then mounted it on the bench. Can't remember what I used on the guide rods the first time but I've got a feeling it might have been Camelia oil. It didn't work very well anyway. It was refusing to open fully so I had to take it apart and clean off surface rust again.
My easiest options are 3in1, a thicker mineral oil I use for the lathe bearing, (sae 30 I think), WD40 or grease. I used grease on the screw thread and it's fine, seems a bit thick for the rods though.
I acquired it a couple of years ago, stripped it down, cleaned it up and then mounted it on the bench. Can't remember what I used on the guide rods the first time but I've got a feeling it might have been Camelia oil. It didn't work very well anyway. It was refusing to open fully so I had to take it apart and clean off surface rust again.
My easiest options are 3in1, a thicker mineral oil I use for the lathe bearing, (sae 30 I think), WD40 or grease. I used grease on the screw thread and it's fine, seems a bit thick for the rods though.