Vice (again)

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UKW Supporter
17 Mar 2023
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Hi all
I am currently building my small work bench and I'm out for a vice. I don't want to overpower my workbench with a massive vice, but like a good allrounder. I know the record 52 1/2 QR is the go to, but I'd like to look at new ones too. My worktop is 1400mm x 620 mm and 40 mm thick.
Any recommendations?
You'll spend £60 for a decent new one or £30 for s/h.

You might be comparing apples and oranges there. You’ll get a 7” vice for just over £60, from Axminster (they’re currently on sale), but I doubt it’s of the same quality as an old Record that you’ll pick up for £30
Mine are 52 1/2 E and 52 1/2 D for dog.
Finest that money can buy! Yes £30 ish 2nd hand, there's lots of them about.
Got my record 52 last week on ebay.
Wow the quality.
Also went silly and bought about 20 planes
( my money not the sheds) as we just started a mens shed and I want the guys to get into the old school way of working.
Going to fit to a worktop bench with a moxen vise.
Don't sweat it if you find a 52 1/2 and not a dog model because with a suitable piece of hardwood, in this case Canadian Rock Elm fashioned with a horseshoe cut-out to clear the screw and a sauncy piece of wood (cut with vertical grain) for the moving cheek you can fashion a good dog that you can push up from underneath.

Granddad's vice. I'm 75. Still going strong, the vice, not me!



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