Interesting thing about forms is that there is always a great deal of giddiness when new products are announced; and believe me, manufacturers love this kind of publicity. The LV fancy block planes and their small scraper are good examples of this phenomenon. These new introductions both received high praise from all even though none had even laid hands on an actual item. I'm sure much good business resulted from the frenzy.
Oddly, little has been heard about any of these since, other than from those who liked the modern styling of the planes and are happy with their choice. The scraper did not fair so well in actual use, as sharpening problems and jamming of shavings in the mouth were noted by more than a few recipents. This thread on the scraper is the first mention I have seen in months, yet all of the posters seem to be hypothicatiing on the esthetics of the thing without regard to the performance. I have no idea if Alf has done one of her wonderful reviews of these, but hopefully, someone who has the tool and an objective viewpoint will fill us in.