UPDATE - The hardwood stash, and meeting Wed. evening


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Established Member
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26 Nov 2006
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Sheringham, North Norfolk
An update following from the earlier thread,

I telephone our initial contact, a chap who works at the Machine Mart this morning and he explain that the timber in question, a container full of various hardwoods was at the local college.

He had seen it (some time ago) and that it maybe for sale. This was the referral from Tony.

I telephone the college and after a bit of a pass around I got to talk to someone who was in the know.

Unfortunately, that person explained that the wood was not for sale, or it seemed no longer for sale. Whilst the college did not have any plans for using the wood the department had decided to keep it to use around the college.

I mentioned our forum, and suggested he think about making a post here in the future if matters change. etc.

Whilst events have not turned out how we might have hoped, this was a genuine tip and worth a couple of phone calls. (Thanks Tony.)

As a result of the above development there is no urgent need for us to meet tomorrow evening. However, if anybody is still up for a get together just let me know. Alternatively, we could meet in a couple of weeks to provide a bit more notice - in the hope that more members will be able to attend.

Please let me know if anyone still fancies a pint tommorow.


A weekend meet in a couple of weeks might be a good idea......

Thanks to all those who took any trouble over this.

It seemed like it was going that way. Oh well, you have to be in it to win it.
Thanks Tony,

Whilst always up for a pint, I think the East of England section should take a breath and give ourselves time to organise something that most of us can attend in a week or two's time. good effort on your part shame it hasn't panned out.
You know you're always welcome here for a wander down to the Weatherspoons anytime. Which in the abscence of anything happening tommorrow is exactly where I'll be if you wish to join me and another non woodworking colleague...but he's OK, honest.

Thanks Tony for your efforts in all of this,shame it didnt work out :cry:

Like the idea of some kind of a meeting in the future.

I suggest we have a get together in a couple of weeks.

I'm not sure which is best for everyone a weekday evening, Sat night or even a Sat lunchtime?

The later would be my choice, Say, lunchtime Saturday 7th March. If anyone is interested perhaps they could post in this thread.

Dave S
Mike G
Tony (Blue)

A few local members that spring to mind. All members welcome.

Look forward to meeting up soon.

Cheers, Tony.
Tony, thanks for your efforts on this - shame it didn't work out but it was certainly a tip worth following up.

Certainly I'd be up for meeting up sometime soon. Will have to check with my social secretary whether 7th is free :)
