UK Toolstore Listing Update - Comments Please

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Established Member
27 Jul 2003
Reaction score
Nottingham, England
Hi all

I have been through all of the UK sites in The List and updated them, hopefully, into a more readable format.

If you can't read the tables then please edit your profile, at the top of the page, to allow html.

If you have any comments or, more likely, spot any mistakes please let me know.


PS All of the old messages have been deleted. I hope everyone agrees.
Proper job Neil, I'm impressed.

Plenty of work there Neil. Well done, its a good addition to the forum.

I can view them no probs with firefox, I'm running 1.5.

Seems bug free to me so far.

Hi all

Thanks for all of the positive fedback. Once we had cracked the tables issue it really came on a storm.

Barry Burgess":3sjlwyh3 said:
I can view the tables OK with internet explorer but not with Firefox.

Sorry Barry, I was hoping that we wouldn't have a problem with this as Chris kindly tested it with Firefox at the outset. When you did it with Firefox were you signed in to the forum with your profile set to allow html?

Sorry it was me as I could see it with internet explorer I assumed HTML was set It was not
thanks again for the good work
Well done Neil, I refer to this often and this update makes it quicker.

Thanks for spending the time to sort out the tables, and then recoding all the site info. 8)
Newbie_Neil":5a7axak9 said:
Wot, has nobody found the deliberate errors? :wink:

Nope... at least, not me.

I also checked the msctools site and failed to detect any sign of life.

Thanks again for all your work on this Neil. =D>
:D nice job Neil now what wood( :!: ) be nice is a list of tool shops around the UK not nescecly on the web ,local shops that members use in their own areas so if anyone was visiting the areas can call in you never know pick up that bit or thing or thingeybobb you been looking for may be if we mail our shop to someone with details and a bit of a review it could be put together . :roll:

I surpose offline shops.
