UK flights and Photo ID

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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
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In the eternally wet North
I mentioned this in passing in another thread but it may have escaped notice.

Not many people (OK - most folks I've talked to) seem to be unaware that on some airlines, such as FlyBe, they require Photo ID for UK internal flights. We nearly got caught out when flying to Edinburgh. Luckily I was hiring a car and so happened to have a Photo Driving original paper one would not have been acceptable. My missus got 'special permission'.

Talking of the Photo driving licences - I didn't realise that you need to take both card AND the bit of paper when you go to hire a car these days.
Hi Roger

I have one of the new Photo Driving Licence ( pain in the you know what to apply for )and I keep both parts together all the time.

Have to got Passposts for the family soon :roll: :shock:
This happened to my wife and a friend of hers who had no photo id at Gatwick needing to board an internal flight.

The answer is to get a rail card (according to the security guy at the check in desk).

They went to the photo booth, wandered down to the station, filled in a form (no id necessary) and was issued a photo railcard - walked back up to the check in and onto the plane.

Still lucky their toothpaste was in a clear plastic bag eh! :roll: :roll:


tim":mfp7em69 said:
They went to the photo booth, wandered down to the station, filled in a form (no id necessary) and was issued a photo railcard - walked back up to the check in and onto the plane.

Which goes to show what a farce it all is :roll:

Cheers :wink:

Thanks for the info, Roger. The bit of paper is known as the Counterpart. Here's the DVLAs blurb on it, from INF93:

The Counterpart
The counterpart document shows details of endorsements, provisional entitlements and information relating to the driver’s licence history. The
counterpart was the green part attached to the old style paper licence.

Why isn’t endorsement information shown on the Photocard?
The format of the photocard, as specified by a European Community Directive, does not provide for the inclusion of endorsement details. In order to provide these details to drivers, a counterpart document is issued. Other European Community countries do not provide endorsement details. They are usually held only on a central record.

Who can demand production of the Counterpart?
Legally, only the police and courts can demand production of the counterpart. It must also be produced when taking a driving test.
We advise drivers that vehicle hire companies may expect to see the counterpart to check for endorsements.
Drivers are also advised to keep the photocard licence and counterpart document together.

What if drivers are not in possession of their Counterpart?
Vehicle hire companies can obtain information on a driver’s record direct from DVLA using a premium rate number.
DVLA must obtain consent from the driver before releasing information. Vehicle hire companies premium rate Tel. No: 0906 1393837
DVLA will also fax details to the driver, if requested, for hiring vehicles abroad.

Yes, please keep the new photocard AND the green document together.

I got caught out last year when trying to hire a car. They had to phone DVLA and it cost me an extra 6 quid IIRC
Also, the DVLA will only provide the telephone confirmation service up to 8pm so if you are arriving latter and want to hire a car you MUST have that green bit of paper

I always thought the idea of the photcard driving licence was to reduce the need to carry a bit of paper (Which over time always gets folded, torn, etc.) from above post it seems it's one of the EU rulings :roll:
Rog - my lad is forever hopping on an aircraft to fly up to Edinburgh from Southampton to Uni. He uses FlyBe and has never had to present photo ID :? as far as I'm aware, will ask him when he comes home next week - Rob