TV interference

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Established Member
11 Feb 2009
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I've been running a Charnwood W821 for about 3 weeks - neighbour's just been 'round to say it's interfering with their TV. Turned everything else off and he appears to be right. Charnwood are dumbfounded but making enquiries. Anyone had similar problems ?
Not exactly surprised unfortunately LW, it has a 'universal' motor with brushes I believe.
It could either be excessive sparking of the brushes or poor electronics in the speed control unit not suppressing generated spikes.

In either case machine is obviously not complying with interference requirements but may just be a rogue unit.

Can you make sure that you have a good earth to the machine or your property in general, poor earthing could aggravate the problem.
Assuming its mains bourne, as Chas says most likely a dodgy earth somewhere.
Most likely within the machine but any house with pre 1970s incoming mains is likely to have failing earths.

I'm about to have my consumer unit replaced and the sparks has recommended he re- do the earthing (on the incoming supply) at the same time for very little additional money.
Just seems to be the new machine - couple of weeks at the most. I've got the lathe in a bank with my LED and extractor. Everything else seems OK.

We're checking everything as we speak, but all seems OK at our end.

Can't understand why our TV is OK and theirs is not, but it's not my field I confess.
Lightweeder":1wm0ch5k said:

Can't understand why our TV is OK and theirs is not, but it's not my field I confess.
If their TV is picking it up via the aerial as opposed to mains born interference it may be they have an older aerial down lead that has poorer screening.
He's gone out now, but he says, if they switch to analogue, the problem goes away. Husband on his knees in the sawdust, mumbling about piggy-back spades :? :?
Lightweeder":221dh0rt said:
...., if they switch to analogue, the problem goes away.

Suspect neighbour has older poorer screened down lead picking up any radiated spikes or a set top box that is ultra sensitive to mains/earth spikes.

We have digital set top feeding an analogue recorder that does not like several appliances in the house when they switch but the Digital TV is fine.
hello LW

He's gone out now, but he says, if they switch to analogue, the problem goes away

How do they receive a digital signal? Terrestial via a set top box or via a satellite dish?


I had to fit a suppressor to my lathe inverter for the same reason, that did the trick. Got it from the inverter supplier.
LW I have to sympathise with you. They can put men on the moon ,have sattelites so that you can speak to anyone or see anyone anywhere in the world, and you cant use your lathe!!
Convert them back to the auld Radio but that might interfer with your lathe. Looks like your in a no win situation !! REgards Boysie
Finial":1vm5mtp6 said:
I had to fit a suppressor to my lathe inverter for the same reason, that did the trick. Got it from the inverter supplier.

Don't even know what a lathe inverter is :( Just got this lathe because the last one packed in. Ever get the feeling you're just not meant to turn? I'm going to Maplins tomorrow to see if they can help me.
You could try three of these
One across the Live and Neutral
One from each line to earth.

But you should be able to get a more convenient package from a household appliance service centre as a spare for a dishwasher or washing machine.

Either solution could be mounted in a spare mains socket back box (plastic) in line to your supply to the lathe.

Do you have any Lecky friends nearby?
Chas - I'm going to Maplins now to see what they've got. No lecky friends, but plenty who know what they're doing, so we should be able to sort something out.

I appreciate your support Chas :cry: I'm not handling this very well at the moment. I'll let you know how I get on.
Well, it's not good news for me. Firstly, our TV is also affected quite badly - ie, we can get no digital reception at all except terrestrial Ch 1, which is completely pixilated. Maplins won't give me anything without Charnwood's guidance, because the machine does not comply with legal requirements on interference, and Charnwood haven't a clue. They're taking a W821 home tonight to try it with their TV. It might be all the new models, or just mine.
Machine certainly not fit for purpose in domestic situation then LW, might just be the one you have, if not then at least you have the warped satisfaction that Charnwood have a bigger problem.

I know it's frustrating when you just need to get in the shed and do things but at least it is an obvious fault with the machine and not one of those niggling things that is hard to demonstrate on cue.
Absolutely Chas. I'm resigned now that, either way, I'm not doing any work till this is sorted. I'll give Charnwood the benefit of the doubt. They've been quick to rectify problems in the past, but there have been quite a few :?
Lightweeder":3q5ui7jk said:
Absolutely Chas. I'm resigned now that, either way, I'm not doing any work till this is sorted. I'll give Charnwood the benefit of the doubt. They've been quick to rectify problems in the past, but there have been quite a few :?

Their office is not far from me.

I could round up some of the local Ukworkshop boys :twisted: and we could go & have a chat with them (hammer) on your behalf :lol: :lol: