You hit the nail right on the head there Chas .... by saying 'marketed as the be-all and end all' ....
As a novice, I tried to research things as much as I could before actually putting gouge to timber ... and the 'marketing', such as it is .. does a very good job of 'convincing' (sometimes to the point of scaring ) someone starting out into believing they need certain acoutriments, and will not be able to make any headway without them.
I fell into exactly this kind of trap believing i HAD to have a wide wheeled 8" grinder, and anything less would mean I would have all kinds of difficulties and be doomed to falling short of where I could expect to be, without one.
This, I think, is perhaps most prevalent with regards to sharpening, more than any other aspect of the craft.
My experiences of this week, have been a vaulable lesson, and one which I will try and remember to apply the same logic to, when assessing what may on first looking, appear to be a 'must have essential'.
We live and learn, I guess ! 8)