Toolshop Direct?

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Established Member
26 Jan 2006
Reaction score
Redditch, Worcestershire, UK
Has anyone else here had any experience with ordering from Toolshop Direct? In the list of supplies that Newbie Neil has it's got a rating of 8.

Only reason I'm asking is that I ordered a Trend Airace from them middle of last week and I still haven't heard anything other than it will be with me sometime this week. Other online retailers have gotten deliveries to me within 2 days. I've just got this feeling that TSD have had to order my Trend Airace specially... unfortunately there is no stock level showing online.
LOL... typical...

Airace just Trying it on reminded me a lot of Army manouvers in NBC suits... it's the rubber smell... identical to the British Army respirator.
Hi John

Neomorph":jqqxlw2z said:
Has anyone else here had any experience with ordering from Toolshop Direct?

I gave them that customer service rating from personal experience. Will you please contact them and ask why there was a delay and also why you weren't updated?

Colin C":3k7xy8d0 said:
Which one did you use S6 or S10 ( S10 had the buildt in staw :) )

I'm guessing an S6 (this was back in the late 70's early 80's). One of my favourite things about exercises was breakfast as it used to taste great for some strange reason (hunger being the best sauce).

The reason I mentioned this was that brekky was just about to be served this one day and then this bugger of a enemy launched a CS gas attack and so I missed my breakfast and had to stew in my NBC kit for 6 hours in the middle of summer. That rubber stink has stayed firmly in my memory ever since. :x
Neomorph":1cfktce9 said:
I'm guessing an S6 (this was back in the late 70's early 80's). One of my favourite things about exercises was breakfast as it used to taste great for some strange reason (hunger being the best sauce).

The reason I mentioned this was that brekky was just about to be served this one day and then this bugger of a enemy launched a CS gas attack and so I missed my breakfast and had to stew in my NBC kit for 6 hours in the middle of summer. That rubber stink has stayed firmly in my memory ever since. :x

I know its a little off post but I do remember doing a weekend ( I was in the TA for over 7 years :shock: :) ) in NBC suits all weekend, so on that I know you feel ( that was in the summer to, luckly I was young and stupid then and fitter too)
Also with the S10 you could drink water without taking it off :) but we where using S6'S that weekend :(
Neomorph":23cgwaxg said:
Has anyone else here had any experience with ordering from Toolshop Direct?
Yep, got the very lovely Bosch SCMS from them (currently at a ridiculously low price from Axminster, dammit. :( ) Very prompt as I recollect, certainly no issues. But then I have absolutely zero expectations before the first week these days anyway... :roll:

Cheers, Alf
Alf":2tlkhqfk said:
got the very lovely Bosch SCMS from them (currently at a ridiculously low price from Axminster, dammit.

*&^*^&%&*^&^&* Alf, I wish you hadn't posted that link. I bought the GCM10S just before Christmas, at that time APTC didn't even stock the 10SD, just the 12 inch version. Now they've not only got it, but it's only £17 more than in paid for the 10S. &*%*&^&*&*^&*!!!

Alf, you're a sadist. :evil: :evil:

Alf":1uem2xcz said:
Neomorph":1uem2xcz said:
Has anyone else here had any experience with ordering from Toolshop Direct?
Yep, got the very lovely Bosch SCMS from them (currently at a ridiculously low price from Axminster, dammit. :( ) Very prompt as I recollect, certainly no issues. But then I have absolutely zero expectations before the first week these days anyway... :roll:

Cheers, Alf

Isn't that some kind of power tool?
Newbie_Neil":3bowmzmu said:
Hi John

Neomorph":3bowmzmu said:
Has anyone else here had any experience with ordering from Toolshop Direct?

I gave them that customer service rating from personal experience. Will you please contact them and ask why there was a delay and also why you weren't updated?


Oops Neil... I think it may actually have been my fault as I screwed up the ordering and put in my old debit card number and had to ring them with the correct details. What threw me off is that TSD are the only shop I've dealt with that haven't notified me when something has been shipped. Most online companies send you an email saying "xxxx has been shipped and will be with you in 3-5 days" which let's you know when to look out for something. Taking into account the duff debit card number and the weekend and the delivery time is fine (especially as the price I paid is less than Axminster WITHOUT delivery cost)... it just seemed longer as I went down with a sodding cold 2 days after I got over my silly sinus infection and have been sleeping on and off through the day making it seem forever.

Funnily enough when the Airace arrived I was looking for a book that had been shipped from so it completely threw me heh.
You're welcome mate... I don't mind owning up when the fault is mine. My problem was that I have a crap memory for most things except numbers and can probably reel off every bank account number I've ever had. This also applies to my debit card and when I do orders I can type the numbers in without looking at my card...

Unfortunately my old card expired in December and the new card is only 2 numbers different to the old card so when I rapidly type in the long number I still have the habit of putting in the old code.

Heh... when I got a head injury back in the 90's I lost two years memory (which never came back) and I reeled off my parents phone number to the nurse to contact them... unfortunately it was a number that was the very first they ever had and had changed due to prank phone calls. Strange how the mind can hold onto some things and not others.
Alf":7zhh0ikz said:
johnelliott":7zhh0ikz said:
Isn't that some kind of power tool?
S'okay, John, I've hooked it up to a treadle... :wink: :lol:

For some weird reason I got an image of Alf's workshop tools powered by treadles and water wheels now... or perhaps a router powered by a windmill... That's gotta be REAL environmentalist woodworking heh.
Is this company solvent?

The only reason I could give TSD 1 star is that they have a website.
I put in a 2-item order, Tues 13th Mar 2012 with a delivery for no later than Frid 16th. On Friday 16th I get an email telling me ONE of my items will be delayed until Mon 19th. No sign of the item which has no delay. No delivery of either item, Mon 19th, or Tue 20th, or Wed 21st. Tried to get in touch early Wed PM. 'Phone number is not available, email only. Sent email with a stated promise from TSD to come back as quick as a 'phone call. NOTHING. Still nothing AM Thu 22nd.
TSD state they do not want 'phone calls as it keeps their costs down.
What they cannot seem to appreciate is that their customers time is just as important as theirs. NAY! - More like COULDN'T CARE LESS that their customers time is being wasted. Customers have deadlines to meet, irritated customers of their own to placate due to delayed deliveries from TSD.
Seeing as there is still no reply, I am wondering if TSD are still solvent. Am I going to see the goods or my money ever again?
Anybody with similar experiencees?
Is this company solvent?
The only reason I would give TSD 1 star out of 5, is that they have a website.
I put in a 2-item order, Tues 13th Mar with a delivery for no later than Frid 16th. On Friday 16th I get an email telling me one of my items will be delayed until Mon 19th. No sign of the item which has no delay. No delivery of either item, Mon 19th, or Tue 20th, or Wed 21st. Tried to get in touch early Wed PM. 'Phone number is not available, email only. Sent email with a stated promise from TSD to come back as quick as a 'phone call. NOTHING. Still nothing AM Thu 22nd.
TSD state they do not want 'phone calls as it keeps their costs down.
What they cannot seem to appreciate is that this customers' time is just as important as theirs. NAY! - More like COULDN'T CARE LESS that this customers time is being wasted. Customers have deadlines to meet, irritated customers of their own to placate due to delayed deliveries from TSD.
Seeing as there is still no reply, I am wondering if TSD are still solvent. Am I going to see the goods or my money ever again?
Anyone else had similar experiences?