I have a (small) 6 year old grandson who likes to come into my workshop and play with wood. Under careful supervision I have let him try using my tenon saw, small plane, mallet and hammer. He has a small tool set bought for him at Christmas 2018 but, frankly, the tools are useless. I have tried sharpening the chisel and plane blade but the steel is of such poor quality that it won't take an edge. My tools are simply too big for his small hands but he still tries very hard with them.
What I would like to do is buy him some proper mini tools that will fit his hands. I have looked on eBay but what is on offer does not look very promising. A saw, hammer and plane would be a good start and I am sure that there are many dads and granddads out there who have been in the same position. Any suggestions as to how to find suitable tools would be very helpful. Thank you.
What I would like to do is buy him some proper mini tools that will fit his hands. I have looked on eBay but what is on offer does not look very promising. A saw, hammer and plane would be a good start and I am sure that there are many dads and granddads out there who have been in the same position. Any suggestions as to how to find suitable tools would be very helpful. Thank you.