Hi Dom. Yes I cut the ridge shingles from the sheets and just folded them down the centre. At the apex I had to glue up four pieces so there were no nails showing. Thanks for the nice comments Neil looks like the guys on here are enjoying the thread as much as i am enjoying building it.
Looks fantastic, Mailee. =D>
Been on tenterhooks throughout the build, hoping the weather would hold so I could see the next installment. Thoroughly enjoyed the wip. I'm sure the customer must be delighted.
Well it is finally finished and here is a picture of the proud owner with it:
When I arrived today the windows had been fitted so I could tidy up the openings and finish the roof:
I fitted him the shelf for his drinks too:
And would you believe a flat screen TV!
I have been asked to return to build an extension to his decking later in the year and I am building him a set of gates at the moment too.
Can't add any more than has already been said. It's coming along fine. However, are you leaving the spindle work outside the main uprights, or are you going to relocate the rails between the corner posts? You'll need more of the turned end-posts I suppose, but I think it would look neater.
Justa thought.
Sorry John, been busy as you can guess. No the spindles are part of the decking that the gazebo is on and that is how the customer wanted it. I do have some of his decking to extend but on the opposite side to that lot. :wink: