Time for a new chuck


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Established Member
13 Nov 2006
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Biddulph staffs
I'm just looking for recommendations for an m33 chuck that fits on a hegner. My old nova is worn out in that the toothed chuck is so worn it only just engages. Could this be fixed even. I've no idea what's available and what's good good value etc. The nova has been OK but changing jaws is a total pain. The tooth arrangement is not as good as a square and I suspect the accuracy isn't what it could be! It still works fine...
Much depends on budget and the work you intend to do.
From personal experience some of the best chucks on the market are the Axminster series of chucks. They also have the largest range of accessory Jaws of any make. They aren’t the cheapest though.
For good quality and value for money with good backup if needed, then Record Power offer some good choices, SC4 and SC3 for example.
Probably the poorest quality I have is a Supernova 2. It’s not bad considering how much I paid for it - under £100 including VAT, but I wouldn’t buy another.

Once again, only my personal choice, but after buying a chuck that had poor runout due to using a threaded adapter, I now only buy direct threaded chucks. Having said that, I’m sure the recently introduced Axminster chucks with interchangeable back plates are fine. Similarly the Versachuck system should be ok.

The New Record Power Victory Chuck looks pretty nice and like the Axminster is made in the UK I believe?

Good luck with whatever you choose.