Timber suppliers - Huntingdon area


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Established Member
12 Feb 2005
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Having moved from Somerset where I was spoiled with having Yandles on my doorstep, I'm trying to find a good supplier for different hardwoods. I know it's hard to get the variety that Yandles offers, but does anyone know of any in the Huntingdon area of Cambs? I saw the map listed below but the nearest one was in Ely.
Anyone know if Atkins & Cripps is newbie friendly? ie can you walk in and mooch around like a shop - was put off woodworking with non B&Q wood a while back when I visited a woodyard on Tyneside and was made to feel like a right idiot.

I use their branch in Plymouth (well Saltash) and find it pretty friendly - they are quite happy to pull down whatever you want to sort through - and will help you sort if you tell them what you want. It is a little daunting 'cos they have to get the forklift and skillfully negotiate the pile you want - and sometimes I only get one board from that whole operation! But they don't seem to mind! I'm off down there in a minute actually - they've got some Cherry and Walnut for me to collect :).
I think their branch in Ely sounds even better - that's their main supply and they have more choice up there. I always speak to that branch on the phone and they seem friendly enough.
One thing is to make sure you have a rough idea on their pricing and how the pricing works. Otherwise you may be in for a shock - I have an (out of date) price list if you want a rough idea of what things will cost you? I've rung around and they always appear cheaper than others around here at least. (Example - Beach Brothers in Exeter 54.70 / cu ft Am Bl Walnut - A&C: 43!)
Feel free to come back with any specific questions - I use them quite a lot. [Edit: Just looking back at your question :oops: - no you can't just browse around; as I alluded to above - they have the get the pile down you want. But don't be put off by that - it's quite good fun!]
I visited the Ely branch just before Christmas. Had to wait for someone to serve me but he took me into the warehouse and between us we selected what I needed. In this case Beech. They were quire happy to move things around so I could look at boards from further down in the pile. Loaded everything into the car on site and drove home (slowly). Will certainly go back for my next project.

The other place that nobody has mentioned is Good Timber http://www.goodtimber.com/ over near Northampton. Further than Ely unless you are going in that direction but they have an (at least) annual wood fair which becomes a bit of a UK Workshop meet.

'Though I haven't been to them since they moved to Ely, A&C certainly used to be happy to have you wander round the yard, and helpful too! I would suggest you check about times before going though - they tend to be rather busy when loading the lorries for deliveries.
Cheers folks - probably be a while until I start doing anything and then it'll be knocking up a bench or two to get my hand in - appreciate the advice :)

Atkins & Cripps.

I live in Bishops Stortford and used them for years. Great bunch of guys...

Unfortunately when they moved most of the guys wouldnt go with them. I would wander round the yard for ages and just select whatever I wanted.

Havent been to the Ely site yet but hopefully they are as nice.

As a last thought. they are building more cheap (prescott) houses on their site and it is really a shame.

As far as the Burnicle rule as mentioned elsewhere, I really wouldnt know as I generally got a lot of offcuts chucked in my van as well and I know I didnt pay for them...


Hi Rob,

I have used both Good Timber and the old Bishops Stortford Atkins & Cripps site.

The stock that GT has smaller but can be more interesting than that held A&C.

I will no doubt use both again at some time. I have been known to buy other forum members tea or coffee at the Good Timber sale weekend in the summer, see you there? :D
Just to echo my comments on the bernicle thread I have no intention of buying anything from a company where you have to hope to get the "free offcut man" and not the "overcharge you man" when you get served. At least with B&Q you know what you pay and have a chance to sort through the twisted stuff on the off chance thats theres a straight bit in there.
