My Garage is 17' long it has a gradient about 3' out from the kitchen door, and runs off to the up and over.
I pulled a string line and level, from what I think will be finish floor height to the up and over, and it measures 135mm to the concrete.
Is this easy enought to do in timber? I wouldn't do it in concrete in case we sell in the future rendering the Garage useless as their's a 5" step at the opening.
I was considering going wall to wall ( 7' ) at 400mm centres with pressure treated joists, but my issue is how to tackle the slope and how best to fix to the concrete?
Everything after the first joist would need to be cut at an angle almost like firring strips, and then about 10' back towards the kitchen door it would be slithers of timber just shimming up?
Not sure what to put on top either? 22mm MR T&G Chipboard, or ply? I intend to cover with rubber matting after.
Any ideas
Smells like a Mike Garnham question to me :wink:
My Garage is 17' long it has a gradient about 3' out from the kitchen door, and runs off to the up and over.
I pulled a string line and level, from what I think will be finish floor height to the up and over, and it measures 135mm to the concrete.
Is this easy enought to do in timber? I wouldn't do it in concrete in case we sell in the future rendering the Garage useless as their's a 5" step at the opening.
I was considering going wall to wall ( 7' ) at 400mm centres with pressure treated joists, but my issue is how to tackle the slope and how best to fix to the concrete?
Everything after the first joist would need to be cut at an angle almost like firring strips, and then about 10' back towards the kitchen door it would be slithers of timber just shimming up?
Not sure what to put on top either? 22mm MR T&G Chipboard, or ply? I intend to cover with rubber matting after.
Any ideas
Smells like a Mike Garnham question to me :wink: