Tile Materials in SketchUp?


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SketchUp Guru

Established Member
12 Apr 2005
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Rochester, MN USA

Is anyone interested in how to create tile materials in SketchUp?
Im just intrested in being able to use sketchup as well as some of you guys!!! All i want to do is design furniture, cant find any decent tutorials for it.
I can help you with that. Actually, take a look through the other blog entries where I did the tile blog. And, if you'd like, we can do a 'live' tutorial session, too.
the only tutorials i have found have been on you tube, and i only have the free version, is that adequate enough to design with?
I learned mostly by doing. I found it very intuitive, though. I started with it before all those videos were available (and before Google bought it). I've been spending a lot of time, though, trying to help other woodworkers get through the learning curve more quickly and easily than I did. I'd be willing to do it for you, too.

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