Things that give you an irrational amount of rage

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Quilt covers, badly programmed traffic lights, people who blatantly drive down the outside when I’m cueing nicely at a lane closure, people parking in a disabled spot when they are not disabled ( I’m not but it annoys me anyway), getting home with a take out to find they have forgot to put in the sauces, fresh out of Uni persons who think they know it all, doctors who always ask how many units you drink a week and don’t smile when you say 4, “only 4 ? Yeah bottles of jack Daniels Doc ! Or “do you smoke?” .. Smoke what ? Cigarette’s…, err no.. then what do you smoke?.. err nothing .. or “According to what it says on this chart your height and weight makes you obese,” Yeah it says GoodYear on my tyres but it sodding hasn’t been !!! Women who wear very low cut tops and tell you to stop looking at their tits, adverts for tampons / feminine itching and period pain… I could go on all night
andersonec":b9r1uax5 said:
Vicars that charge £120 to conduct a thirty minute funeral/cremation service.

The vicaring fee for our wedding 17 years ago was £120, £60 down, balance on the day. Needless to say I had other things on my mind on the day. Months later we suddenly realised I'd never paid the balance (homer) and god's friend had moved on to new pastures.

Not sure which one of us is married?
There are a lot of angry, irritable and dysfunctional drivers in this thread. A bit worrying IMHO. Should they be on the roads at all? Maybe they should be re-taking their tests? Or compelled to ride bicycles?

NB "Road" tax as such hasn't existed since 1937.
Jacob eagerly set off for a days cycling in the country.


But unfortunately someone had left a rounded-bevel in the way


"On your bike" said Mrs J "and no shirking"


:lol: :lol:
Supermarket checkout girls who can clearly see that you only have one item and ask " Do you need help with your packing?"

Or "Is there anything else?" Yes, I have a pocket full of stolen goods.

And checkout girls at my local branch of Dunelm Mill who always ask "Did you find everything you wanted today?" My last reply was "No, I thought this was a butcher's shop and I couldn't find any sausages." The complete lack of response proves that they are really automatons.

So would you be if you did that job for more than a week....
I find this whole car/bike thing a bit strange from either side of the fence. I drive a van, I ride a bike, the vast majority of the time with no problems at all from anyone. Occasionally when I'm driving I find an annoying cyclist. Now and again when cycling I'm faced with a thoughtless or dangerous driver.

No surprises there. Car drivers are people, cyclists are people. Most people are perfectly civilised most of the time. A few are thoughtless or selfish or irritating a lot of the time. All of us are thoughtless or selfish or irritating some of the time.

So heading out onto the road you will meet people being careless and rude now and again whether on a car or a bike. Making it into this great tribal drama seems a bit silly to me. There's enough group hatred in the world already....
ok, Ok, i've read through this a few times...
and no mention of Bankers?, banksters whatever... mind you with the news out of London and UBS t'other day, they really are becoming a dying breed...

Really, really, in an almost let's get violent way are inconsiderate, arrogant up themselves pr**k commuters who insist on the small amount of seat left in a row and push their way in to claim it, cos it's their 'right', ones that wont move down the bus, train, coach, who push on first before letting others off, one's that push and shove past to get off, even though clearly others around are a) getting off and b) were there first...
I've lost count of the number of fist fights I've seen on London's tube's, buses and trains, andf had the misfortune to be caught up in one when two moron commuters decided to re-enact the fight sequence from 'Die Hard'...

Commuter and bike rage seem the worst, have a look on YouTube and see the number of cyclists and others that have to have cameras, web or video at the ready to film that weeks incident...
NB the best advice i'd seen though is if caught up in an incident, start filming or take photo's.., Threats to post on Facebook, YouTube etc seem to work wonders and it's evidence if you need it..

Saw the BBC2 program on Britian's roads yesterday, some of them are up round your way Jacob, ( not going to get drawn into the bikes v cars debate, ) so the earlier photos was wrong, where's all the safety gear you'd need :) :) ??.... :)

...and slowly calming down.......
Deep breath.......

Oh! and TV presenters who start every sentence with a question, especially those who are giving out information eg newsreaders/ correspondents (hundreds of those buggers) It really does infuriate me when they ask a question and then proceed to explain the answer, why? why? why? do they feel the need to precede every snippet of information with a question? do they all go to the same school of presenting? I thought the point of asking a question was when you don't know the answer and you need the question answered by someone else. beats me.....

Large multi-national companies which have to cheat the working man out of their money by underhanded, misleading advertising and any other means open to them, not telling the real truths when they want your custom and your money purely to feed the lifestyle these people demand for themselves, sick!
Dusty":1apdo9tv said:
Benchwayze":1apdo9tv said:
Dusty":1apdo9tv said:
13 ) old people

Errr, like... ALL old people.

(There's only one alternative to growing old. And either outcome is the destiny of us all. ) 8)

Just so we know where we stand. :wink:

Dont frett , I do not mean old with in over x or y , but the ones who can barely walk to the car then drive off in the middle of the road and can barely see over the dash with little hope of doing an emergency stop with in the same light year ex neighbor had two false hips , could barely walk , had vision problems and partially deaf , yet thought it was fine to carry on driving at a very "senior" age ! peed me right off ........and the ones who drive in the middle of the road at less than two thirds of the speed limit .

No Probs Dusty...
I was being Tongue in cheek I hope!
Of course total deafness and other physical impairments/disabilities are no bar to driving.
A recently departed, dear friend was totally deaf. He drove well, and I was never worried about him driving me.
As for me, I can't use my left leg for driving 'functions', at the moment, so I am glad my car is an automatic. :D

I would take up cycling, and buy a bike rack for the car, but I have to wait until my left knee is replaced, to match the right one! :wink: :lol:
SteveB43":2i3hxyzm said:
decided to re-enact the fight sequence from 'Die Hard'...

( not going to get drawn into the bikes v cars debate, )


Denial doesn't work with Jacob. Because you merely mention it, he regards it as a direct request to open a debate.


Benchwayze":2ukzdp8v said:
SteveB43":2ukzdp8v said:
decided to re-enact the fight sequence from 'Die Hard'...

( not going to get drawn into the bikes v cars debate, )


Denial doesn't work with Jacob. Because you merely mention it, he regards it as a direct request to open a debate.


It's called a "forum". Surprised you hadn't noticed!
In case you don't know what it means - the assumption is that anything you say amounts to a "request to open a debate".
No skills":2pyooyyd said:
The rage should be put in category's really but I'm too tired for that, random examples...

Banging/catching my head on something.

Co-workers that do a dung job and dont care if its dung.


Co-workers that are thick as dung.

People opening every packet in the fridge and eating a tiny amount then leaving it all to go off.

Co-workers that wont look after any equipment/tools that are used daily then moan that something's broken or lost.

People using mobile phones while they drive.

Co-workers that wont buy their own tools but are quite happy to use/loose/break mine.

People that dont pick up after their dogs.



I haven't read all of this nonsense, but what the hell is a co-worker? Is this a person who works on cos and if so what in hells name is a co????? Perhaps it's just one of those made up names that pee so many of us non co-workers off, what ever they are?

If you are unhappy with drivers in the U.K. you should try the clowns this side of the cut!

One thing that doesn't give me any rage at all is living this side of the cut 8) 8) 8)
mark aspin":3v6fbc7p said:
Unnecessary political correctness.

Recently I read the word "personkind" and it took a moment for me to realise it meant mankind.
So I take it you gain access to drains through a personhole cover?


Mark, this constantly makes my blood boil :lol: I can not stand all the idiots in the media that keep refering to the chairman (or chairwomen) of a committee as the 'chair' when the heck did that stupidity start????

Incidentally I read recently that Brighton council are considering sending out all corresspondance without using Mr., Mrs., or Ms., all their ratepayers will only be addressed by their first name, what sort of PC lunacy is that ??????

I've read all eight pages of this thread and I think I get angry at ALL of the examples quoted, the human race needs culling big time :lol:
Losos":20x9o6li said:
I've read all eight pages of this thread and I think I get angry at ALL of the examples quoted, the human race needs culling big time :lol:
Are you a Daily Mail reader by any chance?

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