Things that give you an irrational amount of rage

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Cyclists in lycra, they do my head in. Every weekend I go to the local town for breakfast at a cafe and they seem to want to cycle 2-3 abreast so they can have a chit chat, even though there is a cycle lane that "I" have paid for as a tax payer. And their attitude sucks. :twisted: :twisted:
1 - People using wet teaspoons in the sugar/coffee pot.

2 - Facebook & twitter.

3 - The amount of money the UK give to India in third world aid. This is a country with nuclear submarines and a space program.

4 - People who don't understand roundabouts. Stopping unnecessarily, giving way to the left and indicating (or lack of) in the wrong places.

5 - People who drive slowly. You would fail your driving test for it so if you can't drive near/up to the speed limit you shouldn't be on the road.

6 - People who drive at 40mph everywhere. You hold up everyone on the open roads and endanger lives in built up areas.

Sorry I forgot one...

7 - People who drive through speed cameras well below the limit. It's a calibrated piece of equipment that is assessed for a second time if it catches anyone; there is no need for a 'margin'.
Posts moaning about poor grammar and spelling but what really gets me frustrated is when my dyslexia stops me dead when struggling to spell a word.

Someone putting the tv on then sitting playing on there laptop.

Throwing clothes on the floor next to and even touching the wash basket they should have been put in, which brings me to lazy people and a whole load of other stuff miss hc does.
Motorists who park half on the road, half on the pavement, thereby obstructing the passage of pedestrians.
The rage should be put in category's really but I'm too tired for that, random examples...

Banging/catching my head on something.

Co-workers that do a **** job and dont care if its ****.


Co-workers that are thick as ****.

People opening every packet in the fridge and eating a tiny amount then leaving it all to go off.

Co-workers that wont look after any equipment/tools that are used daily then moan that something's broken or lost.

People using mobile phones while they drive.

Co-workers that wont buy their own tools but are quite happy to use/loose/break mine.

People that dont pick up after their dogs.


The misuse of words,i.e.
bought instead of bRought, slither instead of sliver and learn when they mean teach,( I`ll learn him not to mess with me ),and ECCETERA instead of ETCETERA.GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!
Estate agents

People that view your house with absolutely no intention of buying it, but want a good look round anyway

Estate agents fees - you want to charge me £5k for taking a few photos and hosting them on a website - sure, great value, where do I sign?

The mounting trend of linking everything to facebook / twitter / social media of choice

Estate agents websites

Myopic car drivers

Estate agents immoral behaviour and attitude

Banks that want to charge me for having a current account

Estate agents that describe a lounge or dining room as a bedroom to make a 5 bedroom house in the description

i-tunes for being so damn proscriptive in what I can do with MY paid for music

Dante - for not designing a special circle of hell just for estate agents

'Celebrity' and the media's obsession with it

Erm, did I mention estate agents.....

OK, how many do you want:-


2. Jim White on Sky Sports News (should actually be in first place by a long way)

3. The use of "could of" instead of "could have" (in common with many others on here) in speech as well as the written word

4. cutting the pointy end of a piece of cheese (brie for example)

5. People who do not shut gates on public footpaths across farmland

6. Men who use purses for their loose change

7. People who talk loudly on their mobiles in cafes, on trains etc

8. People who use those awful bluetooth ear attachments for their mobiles and then go round looking as though they are talking to themselves

9. People who use their mobiles when they are at the supermarket checkout

10. Drivers who use mobiles whilst on the move

11. From the above, mobile phones in general (although I do carry one for emergencies)

12. People who make long lists of things that cause an irrational amount of rage .... oh! wait

13. I'd better go
FORMS - the filling in thereof....

And the online variety of forms is the worst of all as they force one into using pre-defined dumbed-down and often-inadequate categories!
