The ghost of the Maxi 26

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Established Member
14 Feb 2005
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Suffolk, UK
I was in my local tool supplier, and what do I see taking pride of place is the Lurem 26 (aka Record Maxi 26) now in the colours of Metabo, still called a 26. With all the problems and reviews of this machine, you would have thought that some improvements would have been made, but all I could see was a bright new colour. Shame on Metabo, a label I always thought was good?
Its all a bit confusing now :? - so who's making the "new" Record C26?
From the photos, a lot of the bits seem identical to the Maxi.
RecordPower are apparently about let loose a new Maxi thing in the very near future, or so I read in one of the comics.

Noel":1cae4oct said:
RecordPower are apparently about let loose a new Maxi thing in the very near future
Just when you thought it was safe to go back to Sheffield - Son of Maxi! The Return!

Be afraid. Be very afraid... 8-[

Cheers, Alf
or so I read in one of the comics.
Be afraid. Be very afraid...

I assume that's our 'comic' then as we put a bit in about it last issue, with a review to follow.
I wouldn't be too afraid Alf, but more like impressed...
It's made by MiniMax, 3 motors, cast iron beds etc, so leaps and bounds above the old 26.
The review will be in our next issue should anyone care to read it...
andy king":3au035px said:
I assume that's our 'comic' then as we put a bit in about it last issue, with a review to follow.
<snatches up last copy of GWW and flips through pages at speed in effort to avoid Philly's smiling face> Where? Oh, you mean that press release blurb in the corner with the picture of lathes. No wonder I missed it. :roll: That's not an improved Maxi but an improved C26 surely? No Maxi ever had three motors. If it had I'd have sold two of them by now... :lol:

Cheers, Alf
Oh, you mean that press release blurb in the corner with the picture of lathes.
that's the one! The pic is part of a set I took of their new showroom. Should have been the new C26 I suppose, but we wanted to link the info on the showroom.
That's not an improved Maxi but an improved C26 surely?
Not sure about an improved C26, but introduced as a replacement to the Maxi as Elektra took over the machine.
IIRC, when I was at Record testing it, I was told the C26 is a model exclusive to Record in the UK, not available as a MiniMax, only branded as Record, but don't quote me on this...
No Maxi ever had three motors.
Not yet anyway.
One of the reasons Record went for the MiniMax (again, don't quote...) is that the Maxi is maybe about to be upgraded to 3 motors, but the increase in price to cover it puts it close to the MiniMax model, but without cast iron etc, so you still have the problematic settings etc, so they looked elsewhere and have done what I think is the best move they could have done. The increase in cost for an entry level machine is more than balanced out by the user friendliness, and sheer quality.

andy king":39c6rz3o said:
I was told the C26 is a model exclusive to Record in the UK, not available as a MiniMax, only branded as Record, but don't quote me on this...
Okay, I won't. :wink:

andy king":39c6rz3o said:
One of the reasons Record went for the MiniMax (again, don't quote...)
As if I would...

andy king":39c6rz3o said:
is that the Maxi is maybe about to be upgraded to 3 motors, but the increase in price to cover it puts it close to the MiniMax model, but without cast iron etc, so you still have the problematic settings etc, so they looked elsewhere and have done what I think is the best move they could have done.
Hmm, makes sense. Except for that niggling problem that was discussed when Scheppach went all cast iron - it's great to have cast iron on an entry level machine as long as you have the workshop location to take it. :?

Cheers, Alf
My only real niggles with my Maxi are the fence random clamping system and the lever operated table saw depth setting. I hope these have been fixed.
Hi DW - its to do with the excitement you get when checking the alignment when locking the fence! :shock:
from the Microsoft Thesaurus:
hit and miss

Actually, it's not that bad, but you do have to careful. It only locks on one side and can move or tilt a few degrees if too much pressure is put on it. :(
Hi Guys, this is my first post so go easy!! :D

The Maxi 26 is now brought into the country by Metabo. The machine itself is manufactured by Lurem in France who are owned by Metabo, however Record previously held the license to sell the Maxi in the UK. However Metabo are now selling a range of Lurem products (Bandsaws, planer / thicknessers, dust extractors, panel saws & spindle moulders through specialist stockists.

As for the improvements that some of you mentioned, I believe that the only current improvement that has been made is a more sturdy wheel set, and a DVD which shows how to set the machine up properly & its uses.

Finally, Metabo have also brought out a new combination machine called the Optal 26, which is to all intents & purposes a Maxi 26, but with 3 motors, I believe the cost is around £2,400 inc Vat & includes swing arm & morticing attachment. Advertising should start this month.

If anyone needs any more info please ask or PM me,

Welcome to the forum :D :D :D
The loved/hated Maxi has been the subject of a number of friendly differences of opinion!!

I 'm actually thinking of selling mine - I would now prefer a separate table saw and planner thicknesser. I dont use the spindle moulder very much and have a separate chisel mortise machine.

Hi Alf...

Well... I've nearly got permission from swmbo to add a small extension to my workshop so I can move my lathe and that will give me more room for a separate ts and planner thicknesser. But on the other hand...the devil you know???
Reading some of the threads, there are real horror stories :?

I know that this is a very old thread but it has a lot of relevant points.
I have just been given a Lurem Technirem Maxi 26. Unfortunately, it didn't come with a manual.
Researching the model online brings up very little information, but this is what I have found so far:
It possibly dates to 1986.
It is the green cabinet model (I have seen some with black cabinets but I think they may be from a later year).

The one I have needs to be torn down and cleaned before I can even contemplate using it. However, without the manual, I don't know how it is supposed to be set up or if it is complete.

Someone in this thread mentioned a DVD for the setup and I was wondering if anyone here could help me with a manual, the DVD or any other advice.

(Images for reference only - not my machine, but the same model)


  • Maxi 26 (a).jpg
    Maxi 26 (a).jpg
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  • Maxi 26 (b).jpg
    Maxi 26 (b).jpg
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I know that this is a very old thread but it has a lot of relevant points.
I have just been given a Lurem Technirem Maxi 26. Unfortunately, it didn't come with a manual.
Researching the model online brings up very little information, but this is what I have found so far:
It possibly dates to 1986.
It is the green cabinet model (I have seen some with black cabinets but I think they may be from a later year).

The one I have needs to be torn down and cleaned before I can even contemplate using it. However, without the manual, I don't know how it is supposed to be set up or if it is complete.

Someone in this thread mentioned a DVD for the setup and I was wondering if anyone here could help me with a manual, the DVD or any other advice.

(Images for reference only - not my machine, but the same model)
My first combi machine was a Maxi 26 bought in 1986. Excellent machine for the money.
Might be able to answer questions if you have any.
Two problems;
The spindle moulder bearings were sealed one side only. OK as they were in an enclosed tube, except grease would gradually be lost from the top one and fall to the bottom, and the bearing eventually went. Easy/cheap to replace with off the shelf bearing sealed both sides.
Chippings would get under the bearing housings on the thicknesser rollers, a common issue with other thicknessers too. Lift the roller with a block of wood on the bed wound up a touch and peer in with torch, mirror, vacuum cleaner etc.

Mine also had the slot morticing table which bolted to the thicknesser bed on arms going through the two slots you can see in the case. Slot mortice cutters fitted to the Jacobs chuck in the end of the planer spindle.
Worked fine except generally underpowered. The single motor belt change between functions was very quick and easy to do - not a disadvantage at all.
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My first combi machine was a Maxi 26 bought in 1986. Excellent machine for money.
Might be able to answer questions if you have any.
Two problems;
The spindle moulder bearings were sealed one side only. OK as they were in an enclosed tube, except grease would gradually be lost from the top one and fall to the bottom, and the bearing eventually went. Easy/cheap to replace with off the shelf bearing sealed both sides.
Chippings would get under the bearing housings on the thicknesser rollers, a common issue with other thicknessers too. Lift the roller with a block of wood on the bed wound up a touch and peer in with torch, mirror, vacuum cleaner etc.
Mine also had the slot morticing table which bolted to the thicknesser bed on arms going through the two slots you can see in the case. Slot mortice cutters fitted to the Jacobs chuck in the end of the planer spindle.
Worked fine except generally underpowered. The single motor belt change between functions was very quick and easy to do - not a disadvantage at all.
Thanks for the info.
I think mine has the slot morticing table also.
My questions are very basic as I don't know the machine at all and I have never had/used such a machine.
There is a black knob and a black wheel on the side where the morticing table is. The knob just unscrews right out of the cabinet and doesn't seem to do anything, what is it for?
The wheel is jammed and I don't want to force it as it is plastic, what does this wheel do? and how might I free it?

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