Established Member

Hi folks. It's nearly that time of year again, so I thought I ought to announce the date for this years open workshop event. It will be on Saturday the 9th of June, 9am, to 5pm For those of you that have not been before this is a pure hand tool event where folks are encouraged to bring along any unwanted tools, and associated woodworking items to donate to this worthy cause. You also have the opportunity to take anything that catches your eye back home with you. all you have to do is make a donation of your own choosing for any item you want. This is a very sociable event, and a chance to meet up with folks. We will be running the usual BBQ, and tea, coffee, and other drinks will be available. The event is held at the workshops of Richard Arnold Traditional joinery, Unit 7 ,Dallacre Farm, Willbarston, Market Harborough, Leicestershie. LE168FE.
This year, Jim Hendrick is kindly running our usual ongoing auction for some very special donations. They can be viewed here- ... 9613191898