The 4th anual Macmillan cancer charity open workshop event

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10 Apr 2012
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Hi folks. It's nearly that time of year again, so I thought I ought to announce the date for this years open workshop event. It will be on Saturday the 9th of June, 9am, to 5pm For those of you that have not been before this is a pure hand tool event where folks are encouraged to bring along any unwanted tools, and associated woodworking items to donate to this worthy cause. You also have the opportunity to take anything that catches your eye back home with you. all you have to do is make a donation of your own choosing for any item you want. This is a very sociable event, and a chance to meet up with folks. We will be running the usual BBQ, and tea, coffee, and other drinks will be available. The event is held at the workshops of Richard Arnold Traditional joinery, Unit 7 ,Dallacre Farm, Willbarston, Market Harborough, Leicestershie. LE168FE.
This year, Jim Hendrick is kindly running our usual ongoing auction for some very special donations. They can be viewed here- ... 9613191898
I've been to the last two of these and it's a fantastic day- I've learnt a lot every time!
Looking forward to it as always Richard. To anyone that hasn't been before; rest assured it's a great day out and all for a worthy cause. If you and Kate need help with any of the setting up, please let me know as I'd be happy to pop in earlier and lend a hand.
Great cause, respect to Richard.

First year in a while that I'm not off hillwalking. I might be able to make this one \:D/ .
Hi folks.
Just a quick update on the open day.
I thought it would be a good idea to let you know about some of the people who will be attending, and demonstrating at this years event. Skelton saws will be joining us, so if you fancy trying out there wares, do come along. Bill and Sarah carter will be there to give help and info on all things plane making, and vintage tools Andy Brown (toolsntat) will be putting on his usual display of vintage tools.
MAC timbers will be bringing a selection of local grown English hardwoods for sale. Oliver Sparks will have his workshop open as usual, with info on all things concerning tool making, and a selection of his planes for sale.
There are more lots added to the on line auction now, so check out the latest listings here-
Looking forward to seeing old and new faces alike on the 9th.
Cheers, Richard, and Kate
Disaster! we have got tickets to the flower show at Chatsworth House on the same day!

Pete Maddex":1htimaf9 said:
Disaster! we have got tickets to the flower show at Chatsworth House on the same day!

That's such a shame Pete, but don't despair, I'm sure you will be able to sell the tickets :lol:
I can't believe it's nearly a year since I wrote this last time, but if anyone is dithering about going, I'd just like to point out what a fantastic day it will be.
You get to spend all day nattering to like minded people. You eat homemade cake and drink excellent tea and coffee. You meet some of the finest toolmakers working today. You can see an extraordinary range of tools from Richard's and Andy (Tools n tat)'s collections.
There's the auction. And a great bring and buy selection of tools, far better than any car boot fair.

And to top it off, it's all in aid of an extremely good cause, so the more tools you buy, the better person you are. :D

Annoyingly, a scheduling error means I shall miss this one, which I regret. :(

So please go, and buy up all the stuff I shall miss!
Just a bump to remind any ditherers that this event is next week.
Some of us are not being allowed to come and play, I fortunately have gained permission.

Anyone who has been knows its worth making the effort and to anyone else I think there are enough recommendations here to show it is a great day out.

Certainly better than looking at boring old flowers
+1 from me. A great day out that is a highlight of the year for me.

Quick question about the auction this year: is there any way of viewing it without resorting to joining the Facebook? I know I’m probably the last adult in the western world not on it but wondered if there was another way nonetheless.
Off topic really (it's a bit too far for me to come, but sounds great) for Memzey, who wrote, QUOTE: I know I’m probably the last adult in the western world not on it ..... UNQUOTE:

No you're not mate! Also, just FYI, I'm also not on Twitter, What's Ap, etc, etc, etc.
Thanks everyone.

I have an instagram and do actually follow Jim on that so will take a look. I originally got that account as my eldest daughter literally forced me to open it so I could like all her pictures/posts (which I dutifully did despite not knowing what most of them were about (homer) ). I guess when you're 12 in the modern world getting enough "likes" to your posts must be the equivalent of having mates to get in to trouble with in the playground back in the day. Anyway, it has proven useful a couple of times and best of all I find it fall-off-a-log easy to ignore - in fact most of the time someone in the actual real world prompts me to look at something on it before I do so (wifey mentioning xyz has posted pics of new baby, etc.).

Anyway; to anyone undecided about whether to come or not - just do it. We are by and large a friendly and welcoming bunch; although I'll admit I was a little shocked and disappointed on my first visit that AndyT doesn't look and dress just like his avatar (still adjusting to that one).
Well it's that time of year again. Time to sweep the workshop floor, dust down the benches, and get ready for the 4th annual Macmillan charity open workshop day. Were looking forward to seeing old and new faces alike. See you soon. Best wishes from Richard and Kate.
Event is on Saturday June the 9th, 10-5pm, unit 7 Dallacre Farm, Wilbarston, Market Harborough, Leicestershire. LE168FE.