Thats it - I'm OFF!

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Established Member
5 Nov 2004
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Actually we are off.

My missus has been offered a knock out job working in Genetics at the Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto (Associate Professor no less!!) and all things being equal we'll be moving there in the next 6 months or so. We thought that she might need to go back for another interview in Feb so were surprised and very relieved when they offered her the job this week.

Its been a long haul - 8 months so far but we had a good recce in July and I met some great guys from the Canadian Woodworking forum who couldn't have been kinder or more helpful in giving me the lowdown. It looks like I shall be able to keep most of my power tools since sub panels are wired for 240V and the frequency is similar enough to cause little probs (Certainly the Festool tech dept in Germany thought it would all be okay). But clearly we'll also be living within 20 mins of two Lee Valley stores.......

I am still planning on doing what I do here over there so I shall keep you up to date on how we get on - (any mag editors, if you are interested PM me :wink: ).

All very exciting but pretty daunting as well - I am really looking forward to the whole immigration process :shock: :roll: . It will help that SWMBO has canadian citizenship though.

In the meantime though I'd like to wish you all the very happiest Christmas and prosperous New Year.

:ho2 :eek:ccasion5:


Thanks Philly - I don't intend to disappear and certainly in the next few months its business as usual.


Congratulations to SWMBO Tim. I am sure you will love Canada. A friend of mine moved there a few years back and loves it. Glad to hear you will still be doing the woodwork too and with your own tools. All the best for the future Tim. :wink:
Terrific, well done Mrs Tim. I hope your new house has a Guest Room (a Guest Workshop would be even better!). What an exciting proposition with which to enter a new year.

Not that I'm jealous, of course. :^o
=D> =D> =D> =D>
Congratulations Tim,and to SWMBO (pretty fancy title) hope all goes well when you move,and glad to hear you can still have your tools...

Merry Christmas toyou and your family,and best wishes

PS: Can I put my wishlist in early for next Crimbo (Lee Valley and all)..? :lol: :lol:

Congatulations to you and your wife, what an incredible start to a new year. I have some friends who toured Canada for about 3 months and absolutely loved it.
Happy christmas and good luck.

fantastic Tim, what a great xmas present.

All the best!

Congratulations on the move, its a great way of life, you won't regret it. I and HID's lived in Canada for a couple of years in the 90's, but alas we had to come back to the UK.

Don't forget us back in Blighty.

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