Tent-style dust enclosure?


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Stuart M

Established Member
7 Apr 2024
Reaction score
I recently got hold of a belt / disc sander (who knew sanding could actually be enjoyable?!), and it's great, however the dust generated is becoming a problem.

I do most of my work in the garage. We have 5 bikes in 1 corner, general shelving across 1 wall, as well as various bins for recycling bottles, metals etc, as well as a lawnmower and some other bits and pieces. And dust gets everywhere.

The bikes are covered with cheap bike covers, and these work fairly well, though a lot of dust gathers on the floor and it's hard to reach without pulling everything out, and I've repurposed cheap transparent shower curtains with some magnets to close off the fronts and sides of shelving units.

I have a shopvac, but no proper dust extraction system. My saws are all on castors, due to lack of space.

We have a small wine cave which could be converted into a 'sanding office', but not if sanding in an enclosed space for a length of time would pose an increased health risk.

I'm also looking at various booths /enclosures / tents, and was wondering if anyone had any ideas / photos for a fairly cheap DIY method of constraining dust to a corner of the garage?

Most belt/disc sanders have a dust port to attach a shop vac to unless they are really really old. Other thing you will find is that sanding machines without extraction soon get sanding dust and grit in the bearings and just kark it. Same can be said for people with lungs full of the same dust and grit. Hard to say what goes first.
Extraction at the tool on belt+disc sanders is lousy. They have lots of gaps around so I think you need to hook them up to an HVLP type extractor, but they'll still spread dust. Shop vacs don't move enough air so are even less effective. Maybe try making a clamp and a hose end out of white wastewater pipe to hold the vacuum inlet very close behind the point where you are sanding ?

My only other advice is to get a decently powerful workshop air filter. A microclene / thor or one of the record/jet/axminster boxy things. Pick a size that will do 10 air changes an hour in your space.

With an air filter, this will reduce floating dust a lot so it minimises the fine coating of dust on absolutely everything in the shop. You'll be left with a mess of dust closer to the machine but you can hoover that up.
Or get a decent face mask and work outside. If I have a lot of sanding then I work outside, I’ve invested in a 10 x 10 ft gazebo just in case it rains after I’ve started . My stihl blower soon clears the mess 🤗
I have a workshop sharing space with the usual garage clutter. A few thoughts:
  • I have a dust extraction system plumbed into the bandsaw, disc sander, with spare blast gates to connect thicknesser and planer which are on wheels and stored to one side. It is far from sophisticated, very noisy (being addressed) but probably captures 90%+ of dust,
  • There is also an air filter to capture stray airborne dust
  • All storage is in cupboards - no open shelves - like you I got fed up with everything covered in a fine layer of dust
  • Health wise - power sanding etc is not clever without either extraction or masks
  • If bikes and lawnmower can be stored together, it may be possible rig a suitable curtain (like a shower over the bath) which will keep most dust at bay. Recycling bins need a top - possibly hinged on a wall so that lifting them and replacement is easy.
Another way is just get a random orbit sander and mesh abrasives. Always use it hooked up to the shop vac. You will get 95%+ collection at source.