Tensegrity table


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That's not really the reason it is in tension. it is in tension because the lowest part of the top frame is below the highest part of the bottom frame, and one hangs from the other.
That's not really the reason it is in tension. it is in tension because the lowest part of the top frame is below the highest part of the bottom frame, and one hangs from the other.
That’s true, but if it was all in tension it would accelerate off to infinity, the tension chain in the middle is connected to two cantilever arms. It’s a fun play on the mind in that chain is perceived to only work in tension, if you replace the chain with wood it’d be the same forces but wouldn’t elucidate the same feeling.

I’ve got a design for a bench made from tank tracks I’d like to make one day that should have the same kind of visual effect, I just can’t find the hardware, tried to buy some challenger track a few years ago but they guys didn’t know who to ask to take my cash for the contents of their bin, that and I hadn’t worked out how to move a ton or so of steel snake

Made one as a small planter stand. Son wanted to see how it works, so knocked it out of 5mm plywood. 165mm square. Post pics later.
Still need to redesign. Need to figure out some sort of tensioning mechanism, as fiddling with knots is not ideal. Plus, the nylon string over time stretches.
At the moment whole thing hangs only on 3 points, instead of 4 or 5 as is usual. This was just a "proof of concept" thing i laser cut.

I finally got around to making a top (just more 2x4, cut into strips and laminated together), sanding, staining and finishing this in November. Pretty happy with the final result, and more importantly, so is the wife!

I glued some cubes of wood to the underside of the top, and screwed some wooden strips to them to clamp on to the frame. I think this is basically the same as the traditional button method, but without having to make a groove in the frame. This way, if I messed anything up, I only had to throw the top away! Seems to work well enough so far, anyway.

And here it is on ornament duty:

Merry Christmas all!

- Wend
What is the name of the fixation you used to attach the chains ? I'd really like to find the same.
If all four chains are the same length adjustment shouldn't be needed.

I might just have to make one!
To accurately tension the chains a turnbuckle would allow infinite adjustment. Like this - but sized correctly
I only have about a 17cm gap in the centre. I think I did consider a turnbuckle, but thought that it would occupy too much of the gap, and then it wouldn't really look like a chain. Using the two eyebolts means that most of the non-chain is hidden inside the wood.

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