Tea or Coffee?


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Established Member
13 Apr 2006
Reaction score
Salisbury, UK
Having watched the very interesting foody programme on the telly last night with Colin Jackson, one of the bits in it was about caffeine. I wonder who on the forum prefers tea or coffee?
For me, its tea, and lots of it in the morning, but I do like a couple of mugs of proper ground filter coffee at about 11 am.
Tea only.

When coffee was in free supply at a place I used to work at, I drank so much of the stuff that I had the shakes, couldn't sleep at night etc. So I went Tea-total quite literally.
Coffee every time. I probably drink only half a dozen cups of tea a year (won't tell you how many cups of coffee :oops: ).

Cheers :wink:

At Home: Ground.
At Work: Cooncil.
Milk no sugar.

Are there any biscuits?
Coffee in the morning, one when I get to work and one at about 11
Then tea in the middle of the afternoon.

Tea in the morning or coffee in the afternoon just feels wierd! Only acception is an espresso after a nice meal in the evening normally at the weekend.
Tea first thing, and then a never ending bucket of coffee, black no sugar thanks, 'till bedtime.

Cheers Mike
I have been reducing the amount of tea and coffee I drink for a year now. I no longer drink coffee and down to 5 - 6 mugs of tea a day. It used to be up around 8 cups of tea and 10 - 12 cups of coffee.
Neither for me - maybe a cup in the morning if the girls at work have a brew on, otherwise it's water or diet coke for me, never been a coffee fan, and after watching that programme last night, it seems caffeine doesn't do much for you anyway so i'm pleased about that.
A pot of tea when the family's around, a cup of instant coffee when I'm on my own.

Tea of course.

The colour of oxtail soup with no sugar. About 10 mugs a day.

Coffee's for southerners and foreigners.


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