SU: Aligning a shape perpendicular to a line

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Established Member
30 Oct 2003
Reaction score
Cambridge, UK
Probably a simple way to do this in Sketchup but I can't find it and it's been bugging me for a while.

I draw an arbitrary shape, say aligned with one of the axis. I then draw a line between two arbitrary points. How can I reposition the shape to one end of the line such that it is perpendicular to the line in both directions so that I can then use follow-me or push-pull to create an extruded section along the line?

I have managed to do this with a bit of judicious maneuvering of the shape to line up with lines drawn perpendicular to the line but feel sure that there must be an easier way.

Hope this description makes sense.

Andrew, you can start by drawing a guideline or two parallel to the first segment of the path so that you can draw a face through which the segment passes. Then use Push/Pull to pull that face. You'll end up with a face on the end that is now perpendicular to the path. from there you should be able to orient the profile or even draw the profile on that face. Delete the unwanted part of the box before doing Follow Me.

Clear as mud?
Dave R":6tncx75s said:
Clear as mud?

Thanks Dave,

That is in effect pretty much what I have been doing. However having got a face perpendicular to the line the problem I am having is accurately aligning the shape to the face.I somehow feel that there must be an easy why - there usually is in SketchUp.
