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Established Member
4 Apr 2017
Reaction score
Channel Islands
How long do you need to be woodworking before you stop periodically forgetting to allow for the kerf of the blade?

Been staring at my latest thing trying to figure why it now doesn't fit and... facepalm.
Sadly in my case i doubt i will ever live long enough for that to happen o_O:LOL:
Trust my wife :cautious: she often tells me there is no such thing as a Stupid Question:cool:
Ha ha. I think its a universal problem. For me I do stuff like that when I get tired.
Good marking practice helps in theory, but then you forget to do that anyway !


Even if you do allow for the kerf of the blade you often find it's still wrong, I think thats because the wood changes having been cut. I tend to cut close, try the fit and then skim a little off and try again until it is right.
I find, I make less mistakes sawing by hand.
and far more when too much going on at once ie showing someone how to do it, and it goes embarrassingly wrong.

After 50 years on and off, I now try to minimise machine work, just do the major prep of the timber and if there are lots of similar sized things to do on mass, then the machine is good. BUT for one or two offs, I find hand tools give are quicker and end up being more accurate (surprising really) and a lot more satisfying. My lads love learning the hand way, and where its important draw plans and mark up. But where its a quick job just do it and take mistakes on the chin. The great thing about woodworking is that we learn something new every day.