Established Member
I think the hammer does most of the work, along with technique/experience. I would use a flat anvil and go for it. Keep us posted.
That surprises me :shock: I agree about the digital market thingie but I think from a personal perspective, it's a bit of a mind set, if you follow. I buy a camera (for example I use a Nikon D60) which takes perfectly acceptable pics and I know that it's been superseded by a later model which is supposed to be 'better' but as long as my D60 keeps on taking good pics, I'm happy with it...I'll only replace it when it breaks. To progress the discussion a little further, does Mrs CC use an automatic washing machine (which contains a digital processor) or a wash-tub and mangle? What sort of telly do you watch because all the newer flat screen ones contain digital processors?Cheshirechappie":236epxue said:Toby, I'm sorry, but I don't have any device that takes digital pictures. Some years ago, I made a decision not to spend my hard-earned on things that would likely be supeceded in about a year or two; the camera/phone/computer/i-everything market still seems not to have settled down, so I probably won't bother for a year or two yet. (Computers are bad enough - this one is a mere three years old, and is creaking already.)
TobyC":2kzqoix1 said:I realize this is an old thread, but I was reading this yesterday and thought you might find it useful in the future. Look on page 421 here, he's speaking of bending vs. stretching when using a wood anvil and 'hard' anvil.
Corneel":39kj8fkd said:Thanks for digging out this old thread. I've got some reading and them some experimenting to do.