Steam Bending Maple

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11 Mar 2009
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I want to make a new bed for my Daughter out of Oak and Maple and my plan is a shaker style bed but with a sleigh style headboard but with vertically 3/4" bent maple sections.

How possible is this or am I better off cutting the curve out of wider section rather than learning how to steam. Not even sure if maple steams well.
flanajb":okn48hhs said:
I want to make a new bed for my Daughter out of Oak and Maple and my plan is a shaker style bed but with a sleigh style headboard but with vertically 3/4" bent maple sections.

How possible is this or am I better off cutting the curve out of wider section rather than learning how to steam. Not even sure if maple steams well.

If you cut it fairly thin you can steam most woods, and the cost is minimal. All you need is a wallpaper stripper (you can pick one up for a couple of quid from a boot sale), a length of drain pipe with two caps and a couple of saw horses. Finally make a former of the shape/s you need.

For safety try and get a steamer that has a low water cutout and strap the drainpipe down to the saw horses.

Here is a Youtube video, and there are plenty more for you to watch. ... re=related


Maple bends nicely. As with anything else start at about an hour an inch (thickness, not length :) ) and make your former a tadge tighter than your end wish, it will spring back a bit when you relaese it.
And make sure the drain pipe is well supported - it tends to get droopy after steaming for a while.....
I have concluded that rathe than trying to bend 600mm 25mm square section that bending 50 * 10mm will be an easier task for my first time attempt.

Looking forward to giving it a try