I'd just mix ordinary pva wood glue with sawdust.
I use sawdust and pva, which very rarely matches the surrounding wood, so I tint the filler with acrylic, usually burnt umber. If you go darker than the wood it looks more natural than going too light. Water based finishes go just fine over these.
This cheered me up - one of my favourite YouTubers...
Bit annoyed he did it in 3 days, I was going to say he obviously doesn’t have kids until he pulled out a packet of baby wipes.
Hi, I was wondering how you got on with this? I’m going through a very similar process at the moment and my girlfriend also isn’t too keen on the ‘rustic’ look of some of the darker scuffs. It’s not so much the different colour in the middle but there are a lot of small dents that have gathered grime over the years and stand out a lot when wet, so assume they will also when the finish goes on.
did you have much luck with oxalic acid?
Wondering if it will remove these little blemishes. I’ve tried sanding and scrubbing with wire wool and white spirit but they won’t budge. I’ve bought some osmo ‘tints’ oil in an amber colour to finish but not sure it’ll hide them
I’ve ordered some oxalic acid and going to try a test step this weekend, will let you know how it goes. Pretty much my last resort, after that I’m just going to finish it with one or two coats of the osmo tint
did you use any epoxy resin for cracks? I’m not sure whether to repair a couple of the cracks or not. Think they look quite nice in a way.