Established Member
I'm coming to the end of my shop counter build - and need to think about finish. I sprayed Chestnut Acrlyic lacquer on the shop table and had a nightmare to be honest.
I'm using a 3HP compressor with a SATA RP gun and have also tried a Machine Mart HVLP gun.
I got patchy results - see pic below - this is after buffing out with wax and looked much worse before. You can still see the lighter areas in the pic (luckily not so noticable in real life):
PLEASE can you advice me what I'm doing wrong. Is it an issue with using water based lacquer - should I switch to celluose stuff? The atomization seems fine - I don't know what's causing the patchy finish. Would the weather (very damp) make a difference. Would this be better with turbine setup or if I switched to cellulose lacquer like Chestnut's melamine? Or something else??
Is it my setup - can you get inconsistent results with a compressor setup like mine? (The compressor is sufficient for the guns I'm using mind).
Would I get better results with a turbine? I've ordered a Earlex one for Screwfix on the off chance ...
I was hoping to switch to an oil finish - but on a test piece of wood - it would look too different to the lacquer finish so think I'm stuck with lacquer .
Appreciate anyone's help - know quite a few spray here and get good results.
Any pro spray finishers near me that can help - I'd pay?
I'm using a 3HP compressor with a SATA RP gun and have also tried a Machine Mart HVLP gun.
I got patchy results - see pic below - this is after buffing out with wax and looked much worse before. You can still see the lighter areas in the pic (luckily not so noticable in real life):
PLEASE can you advice me what I'm doing wrong. Is it an issue with using water based lacquer - should I switch to celluose stuff? The atomization seems fine - I don't know what's causing the patchy finish. Would the weather (very damp) make a difference. Would this be better with turbine setup or if I switched to cellulose lacquer like Chestnut's melamine? Or something else??
Is it my setup - can you get inconsistent results with a compressor setup like mine? (The compressor is sufficient for the guns I'm using mind).
Would I get better results with a turbine? I've ordered a Earlex one for Screwfix on the off chance ...
I was hoping to switch to an oil finish - but on a test piece of wood - it would look too different to the lacquer finish so think I'm stuck with lacquer .
Appreciate anyone's help - know quite a few spray here and get good results.
Any pro spray finishers near me that can help - I'd pay?