Very nice piece Paul
Great contrast, some added sale value there.
Looks stunning with African black wood also.
Something I have had my mind on for a while, planned to smelt on the cooker when she is out
But struggled to find a supply of Pewter at the right price and planned to do the car boots boot never got around to it.
I know the old real Pewter has some nasty lead content but I don't plan to lick it :roll:
Also considered just tin which is the main constituent of pewter of course, as it requires the least energy of most metals to bring to molten state although temperature is similar, it just melts quicker so there is less chance of her catching me!
Just gets but not to sure what it turns like or if tin has any hazards. But its certainly food safe
I know the old real Pewter has some nasty lead content.
Enjoying playing with the Jo Sonja's iridescent Colors by the way, thanks.