I haven't been a member long enough to have seen the old days but I've seen some very vicious stuff on the car forums and it's definately out of order, wouldn't like to see it here as I consider UKW to be a great forum and reasonably civilised by comparison.
Having said that, I'm guilty of a little "friendly banter" with Jacob but only in respect of his ( IMO ) outragious comments on certain subjects not relating to woodwork and seemingly posted to bait a response. He wouldn't get bashed if he didn't put himself up for it. No disrespect intended Jacob, it's just my opinion and I respect your right to yours as well. I'm sure we all have certain views which if posted would illicit some pretty severe response from others.
On matters of woodwork, I have agreed with him and said so as from what I've seen, he knows his stuff.
I think it's sad that arguments regarding tools and ww practices can provoke serious disputes as there can be no absolutely correct method only prefered practice for individuals based on experience (or lack of), tools available, personal ability or perhaps disabilities and confidence. We tend to use whatever method we are comfortable with and which we find works for us - until we find other ways by research or listening to advice (the purpose of the forum surely).
Long may genuine discussion be allowed to continue