So, What has santa brought you this christmas?

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7 Sep 2002
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Ok, time for some gloating people, what have you beer re-warded with - some very nice gifts i'm sure....

So, heres what I got woodworking-wise (So far):

- Kirschen Chisel Set
- Trend T5 Router
- Lovely Diamond wet-stone "whet?"
- Small Joseph Marples square to replace my old one which I lost (YEAH --ITS REALLY THAT SMALL!!)

A few items pending hopefully :( Have to wait till later.

Well I have one of the new Axminster aprons, the LOML calls it my 'pinny' :oops:
The Stots Dovetail Master jig and a pair of matching cutters.
A smaller (1/8") round over cutter.
The Axminster Precision Combination Square Set and a marking knife :D
A set of 16 imperial Forstner bits :)

A selectin of Coffees from around the world 8)

I may need Alfs help with the 7 wood planes I have won on ebay :shock:

But the down side the outfeed table (chest freezer) has stopped working :evil:
Hi All,

I had a fantastic surprise from Santa. It all started when her in doors shouted up the stairs at 8am "Can you get me a screwdriver out of the workshop because the fuse has gone in the kettle" to which i replied "Whats wrong with the one in the drawer?" "I've looked but it's not there". Funny i thought i only used it last night. But what the heck so i shoved the old dressing gown on and popped out to the garden. Off went the alarm and the dozen padlocks (well not quite) and in i went.
That was when i saw the big red ribbon, and you could have knocked me over with a feather because under this ribbon was a Jet JBOS-5 Bobbin Sander.
I couldn't believe it. How the hell did she get that passed me. Then i found out that the dealer she had bought it off had delivered it last night while i was down the pub. Thanks babe.

I also got a random orbital sander. And i treated myself to a new Packard Bell laptop.

Merry Christmas to you all.

That might have been a nice surprise, did you drop a few hints before hand or was it complete fluke?

Oh yeah, and most importantly - Whats it like?
Nothing I got from my family has anything to do with woodworking. But what fantastic pressies they are - reflecting telescope - starpocket(little starchart gizmo) - travelling watercolour kit plus oodles more and some very good whiskies. But my pressie to myself was a Ferm biscuit jointer from screwfix and assorted biscuits, and I have to agree with all the comments it really is an excellent piece of kit.
So all in all I'm as happy as a pig in tish with santa - long may his beard curl. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I hope everyone feels the same with what they got.

Meggy Crimbo to all

I didn't get anything for woodwork either, unless you count a DAB radio so that I can pick up some decent radio stations whilst making sawdust :).

But it's my birthday in a fortnight :) (21 again :? ! Well, if I didn't exaggerate slightly I might not get served in the local pub :) ). I know HWMBO went off looking at some stalls on his own at a recent show and came back mumbling that he hadn't bought anything, despite the obvious extra bags he was carrying. So here's hoping that I'm still in with a chance 8) .


Gill (who luxuriated in having someone help with the washing up.)
Being old enough to have trained my family not to buy me what they think I might like I now do a pressie list (with catalogue no's from Axminster). As a result I don't get a load of stuff to fill my rubbish drawer.
They think things like a tool setting gauge,forstner bits, router table insert,
Magnifying headset(age does have it's downside too)and the other bits and pieces on my list are boring but I'm happy as a pig in ****
Hope everone else got what they wanted.
Hi James,

No really it was a complete surprise and i didn't actually drop any hints. But saying that she does take an intrest in what i do and when i am flicking through a new machinery catolouge i will often point out my wish list if i ever won the lottery. It's only a shame that i didn't get a Felder catalouge before Christmas. Now that really would have knocked my socks off.

Anyway back down to earth. Whats it like? Well at the moment i have only had a quick fiddle with it. But if it is anything like the Jet mortiser i have i am sure it will be very good. When i put it through its paces i will post a review.

I hope you all enjoy the rest of Crimbo

So then Dave, it's you who got me pinny?! :wink:

I was tortured in the extreme and only got to open my main pressie at 9.45. AT NIGHT!!! A whole day when I could have been using it too... I'm now the proud owner of an L-N #4 1/2 smoother. :D Pre-owned, I hasten to add (an "old tool" AND an L-N, how perfect is that?), and I practically rang up and ordered it myself so it wasn't a total surprise, but who cares? Not this happy neanderthal. :D Finally escaped to the workshop this afternoon and cleaned and sharpened it. Mmmmmmmm, nice. By gum, these L-Ns are addictive aren't they? Also got some camelia oil, 3 small funnels (yes, funnels. Jolly useful in the w'shop), Rob Cosman's hand cut dovetail video and a fascinating book on the history of the Oak tree in Britain. Gotta hand it to Santa eh? He knows his business. Non-woodworking gifts involved lots of chocs and alcohol. Marvellous. 8)

Cheers, Alf
Alf":3sks4w2b said:
So then Dave, it's you who got me pinny?! :wink:

Well I've been and checked and it's my pinny :D

I can recommend it, only have to be careful of hooking my glasses off with the crossover straps as I put it on :roll:
I forgot to mention that Santa kindly renewed my subscription to GWW. That should please Andy King, especially after I was critical of the magazine in "another place" earlier this year. I definitely enjoyed the second half of the year much more than the first half. The quality of production also increased significantly, so well done to all at GWW.


Must say, I got out into my workshop today to test it all out.

Chisels have thumbs up (yeah RIGHT up! :D )

T5 Router also seems good, I see what people mean when they say the simplicity does it justice.

Reviews of both these items will be appearing in 2004 - watch this space.
Funnily enough Alf, I got 3 small funnels to - I think SWMBO thinks I'm gonna use them in the domestic workshop more commonly known as the kitchen - no chance :lol:

My only tool was new screwdriver however, it's my birthday on Tuesday and I happen to now I've got a set of motice chisels.

Excellent gloats all round.
Me? well no Xmas pressies so to speak but a Record #4 came on Christmas Eve post from my winning bid on e bay £11 with p&p, lovely
And also in the post was a letter and a gift off Tormek saying thanks for sending the guarantee and suggestion for improving the machine and the gift? A yellow plastic wallet with Tormek stamped on it hold a dozen or more sacthets of Alka Soft H,mm I thought you must put these in the water trough to look after the stone, but to my surprise when pulling one out they were finger plasters...very novel
A nice LN 60 1/2 block plane (well actually a late b'day pressie)! I can't stop playing with it - will have to put it to a real task soon. It is a lovely introduction to how a plane should work. I've never used anything like it. I left the 25 deg bevel as it was and haven't put a secondary bevel on it yet. Seems fine ...

And a Tite Mark marking gauge - another tool NOT made to a price. Everything about it ouzes quality. I even used it to open the wrapping paper on some christmas presents!

Sounds like everyone's done pretty well :p.

Have a good new year,


Santa managed to russle up a Digital Vernier Gauge, a Gents saw and a Stanley Bullnose plane (which was 2nd hand from Ray Illes).

I also got a couple of books on using Table Saws, as I am still nervous about using this beast of a Scheppach I've bought!

I got a new bin for the workshop - not really a present but a relative needed to get rid of it and it's kitchen bin sized rather than the paper basket sized one I have at the moment!

Anyway I need to clear a few weekends and go and finish off all the stuff in the workshop!!!!

santa brought me a thicknesser/planer (god knows how he got that one down the chimeny!) a axminster door making router bit set, a bosch XIO ,a set of fostner bits AND....... a DIY set made of choccy (hammer screw-driver, the lot! :D )

need to be a good boy this year (get loads of pressies again next crimbo)

looking forward to a 2004 full of wood working projects!

happy new year all (have a safe one)
Santa went to Isaac Lord and brought me a Skill Orca circular saw. I'm just finishing off making a mitre board (like the one in the Axminster cat, and as discussed in the budget mitre saw thread) so I can use it to help me finally make a bench for the garage. Then the greenhouse staging. And so on...... It feels very sturdy and nothing wobbles or flaps about, unlike some of the items I looked at in Homebase. Hopefully I'll be able to cut some straight lines now.......

I notice that it has no riving knife so I'll be interested to see if it has kickback or other kerf binding problems. If I find any I'll post up a review.
The absence of a riving knife was discussed in the GWW review. Perhaps Andy King can comment further.



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