Still cannot even get to the front page ( image heavy or not would make no difference )..nor would the fact that it is running on wordpess.
I ran tracepath ( which would be traceroute on windows ) ..All my computers ( 14 in all ) that are allowed to connect to the web are various flavours of linux.Life is too short to run windows net facing.
tracepath says
1?: [LOCALHOST] pmtu 1500
1: _gateway 0.413ms
1: _gateway 0.325ms
2: station13.multimania.isdnet.net 20.328ms
3: strasbourg-crs8-1-be1004.intf.routers.proxad.net 26.987ms
4: linx1.uk.othellotech.net 26.518ms
5: ipv4gw4.as29527.net 26.945ms asymm 6
6: no reply
7: no reply
8: no reply
9: no reply
10: no reply
11: no reply
12: no reply
13: no reply
14: no reply
15: no reply
16: no reply
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19: no reply
20: no reply
21: no reply
22: no reply
23: no reply
24: no reply
25: no reply
26: no reply
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28: no reply
29: no reply
30: no reply
Too many hops: pmtu 1500
Resume: pmtu 1500
you appear to be being hosted by astutium.I have no problem reaching them at all, at astutium.com, but the next "hop" on their system to your site is "no reply"..Either you have a config problem ( easliy done with wordpress, especially if you are using plug ins ) or you are blocking EU or French IPs ( if so, silly to block potential customers, 500 million of us, although not all box makers

) or you are running a hosting package which has not enough RAM or Bandwidth.They have 3 wordpress packages, but clicking "learn more" on any of them goes nowhere, so their "limits" are hidden .looking at their front page, all their offers are IMO/IME expensive for very low spec, hardly any disk space, hardly any RAM, low grade old CPUs and horribly low bandwidth..even on their £80.oo pcm packs and dedi server deal.looking at the "reseller" offers and their "data center" page..I 'd bet dollars to donuts that they are reselling someone else's white label hosting and do not have their own DC.Hence the low specs for the money on their packs. You say no-one else has mentioned any problems, the thing is, if they can't get to the front page ( let alone any "feedback" form you may have or see your email contact page ) , they couldn't tell you about any problems, , like me they'd be getting a blank page and a "the server is taking to long to reply" message in their browser tab, so, they'd just move on. Could just be a badly configured plug in, or an IP block ( but that would normally 403 ), but their packs are very low spec and if you have image heavy pages, they'll ( host ) likely "throttle" your site, without telling you.
I can't recommend a UK host, last time I had any hosting in the UK it was my own hi-spec box in a colo with T1 speeds over 10 years ago..
Could also be that you are running magento ? ( they offer it ) veeeeeerrrrry slow cart, especially running on low spec machines like they offer, worse if there are a lot of sites on the same box.
Anyway ..nice hinges

You could look into cloudshare ,( I think that ukworkshop.co.uk use them ) they have a free tier, that can help to "buffer" , but your site still has to be reachable behind them for it to work.