Small Box from the shed

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Established Member
4 Jun 2007
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Box is 4"x 2" wood is Zebrano, finished with two sanding sealer two friction polish.
Need to get the inside bottom right!! how do you sand the bottom which is only 1 1/2" round??
:roll: :)
I now use the foam backed sanding discs on a pair of surgical forceps but normal paper folded several times would also be fine.

I have tried sandpaper on my finger a couple of times and almost had it twisted off.

A more experienced member of my local club on hearing the story told me with all workshop work never to put my fingers where I would not put my......... Well, you get the message but it is a good maxim to go with!
:p :p :p Ha ha ha , Simon .. good plan that is !

Thomas, your box is really excellent ! People say that zebrano smells like dog-pee when you turn it, but I can't say that I object to the smell of it when turned at all.. i quite like it !! :roll:
Super little 'pull-top' on it.. I really like that !

Maybe the little foam sanding ball could get you down inside the base ? --
as far as i know, the paper velcro's on, and its a bit safer and easier than the fingers going down in there. :D
I've not got one, but no doubt someone will have a decent picture and will be along soon...

Great box ! :) :) :) :) :)
Lovely piece of wood made into a good looking box. 8)
I think this is something else for me to try. :roll: