@BucksDad , I've been meaning to post a closing statement of sorts on this thread so your post is a handy prompt, thanks!
Hope you enjoy the drill, I've only used mine a few times so far but it seems a really nice bit of kit, and the right angle adapter has already saved my backside in a tight spot so I'm glad I got it!
As for centrotec bits, I'm really liking them - they seem a huge improvement over any quick change bit system I've used before.
It seems that Axminster used to carry a decent range of centrotec compatible bits of their own brand as well as fisch, but sadly they seem to be on the way out now - largely gone entirely with the last dregs reduced.
These Fisch brad point drill bits seem really nice and an absolute bargain compared to Festool equivalents, but sadly only available in 6mm and 10mm - if they're sizes you're likely to use they're a good buy.
If you want pozi 1 or Philips 2 bits,
These are considerably cheaper than the Festool equivalent.
I also picked up a couple of
These hinge centering drills, but they're very bulky so not suitable for small hinges unfortunately. Seem nicely made though so I'm sure I'll find a use for them on some projects. I believe trend also make some that are centrotec compatible at about double the price.
I also got
This set of brad point drill bits, I got lucky and got a 15% off deal on eBay, so keep an eye out because I think I paid about £37. Do note they're rather short, I believe there's a set of longer bits too but alongside the couple of longer Fisch bits I linked above I'm happy I went with this set.
I also managed to pick up
This hss drill set in the eBay deal for a decent price. Not cheap by any means, but once the drill bits wear out or snap they are replaceable with any suitable sized bits. I also picked up a spare 3mm drill and used a scrap of brass tube to make an adapter to hold a 2mm drill bit which works nicely.
I also picked up
These pz2 bits, they're a little pricey but I use pz2 screws more than any others so it's nice to have them.
If you want to use normal short screwdriver bits,
This set comes with a really nice bit holder, again I managed to get it in an eBay deal for 15% off.
And finally I picked up a
Trend countersinking drill, I've only used it in mdf so far but seems to do a tidy job.
Please take these suggestions with a grain of salt because I've really not used any of them an awful lot yet, and besides the first two Axminster links I'm sure everything else can be found at much better prices if you're patient with eBay deals or shop around. Your needs will vary from mine, but as a bare minimum I'm sure one of the drill bit sets and the screwdriver bit holder will be a great start - after using that for an afternoon I went a bit nuts and ordered everything else in an excited flurry. Don't tell my wife!
Another point to note, the Festool drill bits while expensive do seem to be a really nice quality - very sharp and cut very cleanly so I don't mind that they're a little pricey so long as they last well

also bear in mind they can also be chucked up in a standard Jacobs chuck so you can use them on any other drill you may have.