How I did it.
Press and hold down the "Windows" key - just to the left of your space bar normally, betwen ALT and CTRL, and press the break key
(If its a laptop press Window, Function and Break)
This opens your Systems Properties box.
Then click "Hardware" , then device manager.
Select Display Adaptors.
Mine is shown as having Radoen X300, although my PC was X600 at home. I guess thats becuase its Dells preferred supplier and the PCs aren't the same age.
I then searched the internet for "Radeon X300". You will need to do this for your own graphics vendor.
I then worked out these were supplied by ATI - so went to their home page, and they normally have a "customer service, or find a driver or similar. Or a search space you can type in the model number.
I'd recoommend that rather than some "dodgy" website- you don't know what you are downloading. This is what you may get if you type in "X300 Radeon", and click the first site that appears on google. Find the manufacturer, then use their main front page and search from that.
Mine came as a .exe which I simply ran, followed by a reboot.
What a difference, several things seem to have speeded up.