Hi Sigovia, ok so its a few years since I looked into extraction and the current regulations. Mainly to protect myself/others who come into the garage when I'm working I checked up, since I was a joiner in a workshop recommendations have changes. MDF and hardwood dusts now are baddies (always have been really) so I decided a class M. So my vacuum (Trend 35A ) will give class M. If I was to cut the bad materials via the Cyclone in-line some dust would fly about when emptying the cyclone bin and therefore I decides to not use the cyclone on MDF and hardwoods have a bad reputation. Only cut and planed pine so far but the bucket is filling up and the vac will take ages to fill unless I get into more particle boards or hardwood when I will extract straight to the vac as it has a seal on the bag to empty it. Any dust can't be good so I'm looking at possibly a mask for sanding especially and have an air cleaner I might/will put into use. Early days yet as I only have just got my garage "workshop" back after 4 years of my son running his machines in there. He now has an industrial unit
My biggest annoyance is all the different connector sizes and pipes, what a farce surely tool makers should standardised grrrrr! and most new table saws don't have crown guard extraction. Hah the reviews I watched did have extraction on, the I bought a Bosch and they'd "modified" the crown guard.