Sideways Pincers but for what

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Established Member
21 Nov 2014
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West Sussex England
Another odd item found in the workshop of my neighbour, if they were straight pincers then for removing tacks etc
but what were these intended to do? Any ideas


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Looks like a notch on the end of the handle for pulling tacks or small nails so perhaps used in upholstery or even shoe making. Looks too small and dainty for farrier work.
Sorry I don’t know their proper purpose, but I’ve had a pair for as long as I can remember, they get used for all sorts of things, they just lend themselves to some jobs I think it’s the angled jaws in relation to the handles.
Like Cabinetman I have a pair of these, also for as long as I can remember, I rounded off the cutting edge and use them for pulling pins and tacks, I have always assumed they were an electricians tool but I don't really know what, if anything I have based that on!
Apologies for the thread hi-jack I started...

Sorry, Blister,

In-between me writing my post and sending it I was looking for a photo of a driving hammer to showthe short sharp claws /me doing it, but couldn't find one. Here's the nearest I can find of me on the iron, but with a rounding hammer. Supervising Farrier Tom Lee, Horseguards. I'm the slim one with a beard!

1991, where do the years go?

1991 small(1).jpg Diagonal cutting pliers, but as it doesn't name a trade or use it doesn't get us much further! There are plenty more or less identical on ebay, showing wire being 'snipped'. I suppose the diagonal aspect removes the need to hold traditional square nippers vertically above the subject when 'nippering'.

There are many variations of ‘side cutters’ in the world. Mainly I suspect to make access easier to whatever it is you’re cutting. I have several different ones for electronics for different size of wire, flush cut, angle of attack etc.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the example posted here was originally made to address a very specific job but for sure turns up in tool boxes having been bought as just the job for xxx which probably had nothing to do with the original intention.
Wick cutter would be a good use for them 😀
Another odd item found in the workshop of my neighbour, if they were straight pincers then for removing tacks etc
but what were these intended to do? Any ideas
A forerunner to today's "sidecutter" ?? Diagonal cutting pliers, but as it doesn't name a trade or use it doesn't get us much further! There are plenty more or less identical on ebay, showing wire being 'snipped'. I suppose the diagonal aspect removes the need to hold traditional square nippers vertically above the subject when 'nippering'.

They are for clipping the wires after soldering components into circuit boards. The angle is there to help get the jaws through the forest of wires sticking out of the newly soldered board.
They're not really used for commercial board production, more for hand soldered prototype boards.
Attached is a photo of a pair of mine


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They look too old to be diagonal (usually flush cutting) electronics wire cutters to me, but you never know.

Sticking with the Japanese connection, how about bonsai tools like these I noticed a few days ago ?


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