Side bead dimensions?

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Established Member
5 Oct 2020
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Does anyone happen to have a set of side bead planes? I am looking for some measurements.

I have a few, but they are all from different manufacturers and have different layouts. The actual bead itself is pretty clear, it’s usually a half circle of the diameter advertised on the plane. It’s the overall width, the size of the depth stop and fence etc that I’m interested in.

I could just make it up from the dimensions on one of mine, but it would be nice to get the dimensions from a known set.

I've a very good run of Routledge but they have too much stacked on top just now, if I get a chance to get in the workshop tomorrow I'll have a gander at some of those for you Steve.
Cheers, Andy
I've a very good run of Routledge but they have too much stacked on top just now, if I get a chance to get in the workshop tomorrow I'll have a gander at some of those for you Steve.
Cheers, Andy
That would be great if you could Andy.

Here are a few pics to illustrate the problem…. First a 3/4” and 3/8” together


Then two 3/8” beads from two different manufacturers!! (stamps not clear). The top plane is almost 50% wider than the bottom for the same bead size.


Then a table that shows a simple linear scaling of the dimensions of my 3/4” Buck …. The wedge on a 1/8” plane would be 63 thou! Clearly that’s not right. If I had a few overall width dimensions from a set, I could work it all out.


Ok Steve, like a dullard I'm just noticing I didn't measure some of the right bits....
Best attempt at a set within reach.
Just found out an error in the marked sizes one of the two 3/16 should have been a 5/16.
Anymore information please shout.
Cheers, Andy
Ok Steve, like a dullard I'm just noticing I didn't measure some of the right bits....
Best attempt at a set within reach.
Just found out an error in the marked sizes one of the two 3/16 should have been a 5/16.
Anymore information please shout.
Cheers, Andy
View attachment 178653

Hi Andy, sorry, I have been offline for a few days. I think that last picture is exactly what I need! That’s incredibly helpful, thank you very much. It’s interesting that the overall width does not vary much, even though the bead size is markedly different.

So for a full set there should be…. 1/8, 3/16, 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 1” I think.

My 3/4 side bead , is actually marked as 6/8! Which kind of implies that it came from a set that ascended in eighths of an inch.

But I’ll get yours in a spreadsheet and see if I can work out what the missing dimensions might be. I feel some side bead planes coming on soon.


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