I have now received a reply from trading standards. I have copied it below as it is only short and it contains links to some useful documents including details of the necessary info needed for the technical file. I thought it would be useful to have the links on here permenantly.
"Dear Mr Fox
I have been passed your email re Toy Making (below) for response.
It appears from your email that you have already done considerable research yourself, so I will concentrate on your specific queries.
In respect of the 'natural pine wood from B&Q', it may be more appropriate to seek a written assurance from B&Q that the wood they sell should not contain any of the chemicals restricted by the Toys Safety Directive. Whether you decide to carry out any safety testing should be based upon the risk presented. For example, if you decide to use 'reclaimed' wood rather than 'virgin / untreated' wood there would be a greater risk of chemical contamination. Any assurance you obtained or testing you carried out would need to be renewed / repeated if you changed your source of wood.
With regard to your technical files, generic files are permitted as long as the differences between toys and the documents unique to individual toys are held. You can find further guidance on the technical documentation requirements here:
http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/ ... 1-2_en.pdf
I appreciate that you have done some research yourself, but for completeness sake, I would refer you to the following documents:
Toys Safety Directive background information
http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/ ... dex_en.htm
The Toys (Safety) Regulations 2011
http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2011 ... tents/made
Requirements for Internal Production Control (self verification) - see Module A of Annex II
http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/Lex ... 128:en
Finally I would be grateful if you could confirm your postal address so that I can properly record the advice that I have given you.
If you have any queries please let me know.
Karen Springford
Principal Trading Standards Officer
Kent County Council"
So, as long as I can get written confirmation from a supplier of softwood that their wood does not contain any of the restricted or prohibited chemicals I should be good to go. Just a matter of finding someone to insure me in this venture