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SketchUp Guru

Established Member
12 Apr 2005
Reaction score
Rochester, MN USA
It probably won't make any difference to anyone but I thought I would let you know that I'm going to take a leave of absence. I'm just posting this in case someone posts a question addressed to me which has happened once in awhile. I expect there's at least one forum moderator who will be happy about it so I'm glad to give him a smile.

It may or may not be permanent but I won't be checking in during the LOA. For those of you whom I've helped with SketchUp over the years, I can be reached via e-mail or Skype as always.

Happy woodworking fellas. It's been enjoyable.

That's a great shame Dave. I hope everything is ok. You've helped me out a lot over the years, for which I'm very grateful. I assume you'll not be writing on your blog any more? I'm sure I'll not be alone in saying you'll be most welcome if you decide to come back.
Thanks for all the help you've given over the years, Dave! I'll always aspire to your level of skill with Sketchup.
Best regards
Philly :D
Many thanks indeed for all your help and advice. You have been an invaluable resource and a great contributor. I do hope we can continue to access your know-how at one or two of the other places you frequent?
Hope it will not be too long a leave!

I've benefited from Dave's help and encouragement too. Think I would have given up on sketchup when I first started using it without your insight.

Activity in the design section is quite low so I can understand you not checking in too often... but do drop by sometimes :)

I'm a newbie here, but in the very short space of time i've been reading this forum I have seen just how talented and unbelievably helpful you have been to anyone that needs it.
I have learnt alot about SU just from reading some of your posts and I'm sure they will be useful in the future.
Dave, there is not much I can say to improve on the above.
Personally, thank you for your help, your instruction drew back the curtains around Sketchup for me. Although I am far from being an expert, at least now I have a rough idea where to look in the mass of tools etc.
You have been a great help to many here abouts and your tutorials will continue to inspire.

sadly xy :(

I am going to miss your wonderful drawings on napkins, 8) take care with what ever you are going to do and I hope to see you back in the future.
Dave, you're been of great help and service to this forum. You will be dearly missed. :(

Hope all is well. :)
I'm very sad to read this news even though I haven't been around this forum for some time. Dave has taught me so much and helped me out whenever I have asked. A great great loss.