Second day of turning and bowl numbe 2

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14 Nov 2010
Reaction score
United Kingdom
As the title suggests I have attempted my second turning and produced another bowl :)
I took on board the comments you all kindly gave me for my first attempt and have tried to use them. I thought more about the form and also tried to style the rim a little, I am not confident enough at the moment to try a foot for it.
I had real trouble with shaping the ouside, but figured out the technique for hollowing out the inside its great fun!!! So at least I have learnt something :)
I also took on board the advice to finish it as best you can and again have tried. I liked the rough wood on the outside rim so tried to make it a feature?
Bowl size is 9 inches by 3 inches
I have taken three shots :


Only 2nd ?

Jez - im giving up.

Looks to be a fairly decent finish inside, few marks ( are they wax ? don't look like sanding rings )

And that almost Ogee curve on the outside, very nice

I'm impressed.

Nice bowl mate and fantastic for a second attempt, you dont make life easy for yourself do you, starting out on yew with cracks and bark inclusions in it, id recommend some sycamore to play with, its cheap, and easy to turn, that way you can concentrate more on your technique rather than struggling with awkward bits of wood, on work with defects such as holes bark inclusions etc, id recommend using an oil finish as wax always seems to leave white residue in the places you cant wipe /buff easily, if you dont have any finishing oil or danish oil, just use sunflower oil or something to start with.
Keep up the good work mate, look forward to seeing more pictures soon.
regards Darren
You look as though you are enjoying this turning too much. As said jumping in the deep end with the bark inclusions but you seem to have managed well enough. The whole thing definitely doesn't look like a 2nd attempt that's for sure. Be interesting to see how you progress. Keep 'em coming.

thanks Darren, you are probably right about the deep end but it is the only wood I have available at the moment, I will get some more wood at the weekend. Thanks also for the oil tip :)
Pete, its great fun!! Really enjoyed hollowing it out as managed to get the right technique. The shaping on the outside I really struggled with will have to watch some YouTube videos (how I picked up the hollowing technique)
Thanks for the kind and helpfull comments :D
The only wood he has available is georgeous yew with pippy bits and inclusions... :shock:

Yew is a lovely wood to turn, if you get the tool control right you get a wonderful glass like finish straight off of the tool. If you do not get the tool presentation just right, it is so hard that you spend an age with sandpaper ;)

For the first couple of bowls they look damn good. This one looks like it could have done with a bit more sanding on the top of the rim, but that is the only place I can see any kind of scratches which is really good. My first pieces looked like they had been finished inside a cement mixer ;)
Lovely bowl there - two in as many days: you've definitely got the bug :)

Must get out and turn some Yew - getting very jealous of the figuring and colour you've got going there :)

miles_hot":1ux7rms0 said:
Must get out and turn some Yew - out of my massive stash

fixed it for you :lol:

mind you isnt most of it still in log form - we may need to have a chainsaw masacre
Great stuff, it's really addictive isn't it? I've hardly seen the wife since I got my new lathe and at £500 it's gotta be much better value than a divorce lol
miles_hot":gkha3xc4 said:
big soft moose":gkha3xc4 said:
- we may need to have a chainsaw masacre

Let's let the snow melt first though :)


sound plan - especially as kim pulled me over on the ice yesterday and i'm bruised all down my right side - I wont be masacring anything for a few days

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