thanks for all the encouragement i received from my first post, I was inspired to make a second one.
Same timber as last time, which Sgian Dubh thinks is silky oak rather than she oak. lined with satin this time, and no hinges. i routed a dado on the insides on the box prior to assembly, and then routed another on the outside post-glue-up. through the wonders of the incra ls, it only needed a scalpel to seperate top from bottom and a quick swipe with a shoulder plane for a perfect fit
the lines were made from .6mm coloured veneer. i had some trouble getting them top stay stuck, after slicing strips off. is it the cold damp weather stopping the watered down pva from sticking? or am i doing something wrong? help appreciated with this!
watching the wafer thin scrapings come off the lines is the bit that gives me most pleasure!
Same timber as last time, which Sgian Dubh thinks is silky oak rather than she oak. lined with satin this time, and no hinges. i routed a dado on the insides on the box prior to assembly, and then routed another on the outside post-glue-up. through the wonders of the incra ls, it only needed a scalpel to seperate top from bottom and a quick swipe with a shoulder plane for a perfect fit
the lines were made from .6mm coloured veneer. i had some trouble getting them top stay stuck, after slicing strips off. is it the cold damp weather stopping the watered down pva from sticking? or am i doing something wrong? help appreciated with this!
watching the wafer thin scrapings come off the lines is the bit that gives me most pleasure!